Chapter 3 The man in the mirror

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I woke up feeling refreshed. I turned to check the time. "Ten! Well shite." I went up stairs to go take a shower. I turned on the water waiting for it to warm. I would start taking off my cloths. Facing the mirror I yelled in alarm. In the mirror was a figure like me but he had scars on him and stitches on his lips a little. His eyes were full black with a blue and green pupil.

He seemed to be hunch down a little as if to fit in the mirror. "What the hell!" I said before rubbing my eyes and opening them again only seeing my reflection. " fuck my life..." I mumbled before going in the shower.

After a while I stepped out my hair dripping a little bit of water. I looked in the mirror again to test if I would see the man again...I only faced my reflection. I sighed in relief. Peeking again but tensing as the figure would be there and would write in the fog. I narrowed my eyes to see what it was writing and my heart stopped.

'Thought you could get rid of me ay? To bad I'm still here.' He would write then smirk his lips turning into the sinister like smirk. I jumped back. " w.who are you? W.what are you?" I asked now terrified. 'Names Anti. And what I am is your demon. The 'negative' emotions in you.' A voice said.

" you're that voice I have been hearing?" I asked but mostly stated. 'Well obviously. Not like Dark wants to contact you. Or tries to anyway.' He said the last but to him self as I stared confused. Who is dark?

'Dark is darkiplier kind of like I am antisepticeye. I would say it's self explanatory but eh. You're not the brightest of the bunch.' He said. I felt my cheeks heat up annoyed.

"Asshole." I grumbled.

'Your words not mine. But be luck I'm not coming after that right now.' He said. I blushed.

"S.shut up.." I mumbled meekly.

'Make me Mr eep. Though I did enjoy listening to that I might pinch you again to hear that.' He said before disappearing from the mirror. I ran for my room and locked the door breathing heavily as I went to look for cloths. I ended up finding a septiceye Sam shirt and some blue jeans. I put my cloths on and looked around the room before backing up almost instantly. There in the mirror again was Anti he seemed to be relaxed a little a pleasant smile on his face but his eyes revealing a hidden playfulness.

I looked confused sighing. 'Don't you have to play with Mark in a few minutes...more like 2 or 3.' He said. I jumped cursing and nodding going to my recording room I logged into my account and called mark on Skype.

"Hey! You ready to play?" I asked him waiting for his response.

"Obviously. Want to do this new horror map?" He replied. I thought about it. I really didn't want to but I nodded anyway.

"Sure!" I laughed as I felt something kind of wait on me I turned my head a little to see an outline of Anti but that was it.

"Okay Imma send you the link now." He said to me. "Got it?"

"Ya! Starting the record in three. Two. One?"

~~ time skip brought to you septiceye sam~~

Let's just say all that happened was cursing....lots and lots of cursing.

"Jack mover your Irish fat ass through the door." Mark laughed. I joined in because my character was actually stuck in the doorway. How? We don't know.

"I'm tryin give me a break will ye! Fuck. You fat bitch moooooove!" I laughed trying to get through. We were currently running away from one of the monsters when I got stuck.

"Here lemme help." He started hitting me with a crowbar. I wheezed a little.

"Stop mark...shit.shit! SHIT!" I saw the monster and I started moving my character finally getting free and locked the door. I screamed as the door sounded like it was breaking in the game. I felt a weight on my head and around my chest area. I turned off my camera and looked to see Anti resting his chin on my head. I sighed softly and turned my camera back on once he disappeared.

"You ok jack your camera turned off?" Mark asked me I nodded

"Ya just messed up the plug, I fixed it now so no worries." I lied but who would know right. 'I do.' Anti said in my head well besides you... wait shit game!

I ran to the end of the room and looked up. "Mark there is a vent here! Hurry up." I screamed at him as I moved my character in a circle to get his attention. He laughed and followed. I went inside first crawling to the exit hearing Mark's character follow.

At the end was a sign saying ~To be continued...~ I screamed rather loudly scaring mark.

"Fucking hell Jack!" He yelled laughing afterwards. I decided to got out my crowbar and smacked Mark's character with it. "Noooooooo." He laughed/cried as his character died.

"Gotta think fast Markimoo!" I cheered before making my character jump off the map. "That was long were we playing?" I asked completely forgetting the time.

"Well considering the trajectory of the sun to the moon I would say....two hours and 30 minutes." He laughed. Smart-ass. I joined in on the laughing. His laughter died down as if he was listening to something. All of a sudden he said "Imma go eat. I will start editting tomorrow or something. Cya Jack!" He said before exiting Skype and the game.

I was confused. Did something happen? I don't know. I looked around the room to see the mirror have a note on it. ~ What ever you do don't contact Mark tomorrow.~ it said. Why?.. nevermind I will ask Anti when I see him. I sat on my bed scrolling through my comment section seeing a few comments on things.

Nothing to crazy. Just the occasional hater. And obsessed fan. I did pin a comment that said about how I helped her. I love making people know that I am there for them. It's a nice feeling and leaves a happiness in my heart, cliché I know but who cares. I turned on the t.v and layed down watching some random show, i forgot the name. Feeling someone lay on me. I looked up to see blue and green pupils. I froze before everything went black.

I woke up in a dark room. Where am I? "Is anyone there?" I called. What am I doing as if anyone will answer...I feel cold..I feel..strange...something is touching me...what is touching me! I looked down seeing hands of some sort grabbing me by my ankles I tried to crawl away and kick but they ended up grabbing my wrists I screamed as I was pinned on the ground...I started choking on my own sobs I can't run its like a ghost has me in its grasp and won't let go...I felt a hand rest on my head and I froze blacking out again..the last thought I had was who was that...

A Burning Desire. Jacksepticeye x AntisepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now