Chapter Four paranoid insanity...

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(Music gets good at 2:30)
I opened my eyes seeing my ceiling...I couldn't move...I can see...I can hear was a voice. I wanted to call for help but I couldn't move my lips to form the syllabuls. A name can be heard.... it was my name...

Who was calling my name...who cares help me! 'Sean..' help....'Sean.' Me...'SEAN!' A figure got into my line of sight. Those eyes.... oh no..did he do this..please no God no.. I wanted to cry but I can't even do that. I just sat there not being able to move. I felt arms picking me up rather gently.

Why? I was set down somewhere soft. Maybe my room. That has to be it! I started trying to move again only being able to move my pointer finger and thumb. I felt hands on my shirt. My shirt was being lifted.

I wanted to cry..I'm such a helpless bitch but I didn't want to be stuck like this to be some toy in such a state. ' calm down I ain't gonna do that.' A voice.. Anti I sighed mentaly at least happy. My shirt was off my chest and cool air hit me. The fan in my room.

'See just wanted you to cool off it might help the sleep paralysis.' Sleep paralysis? Oh God those things....I hate when that happens I get nightmares...actually why am I not getting any now?

 'I control most of the sleep paralysis nightmares. I only use them to help wake you which explains why you don't die in them consider yourself lucky that I'm not doing it again...mostly cause I hate to see you cry.' Anti snapped a little trailing off at the end. The last bit I couldn't hear.

I would have nodded but I still couldn't move...after a while I tried again being able to finally move my feet. Then my legs. Now my arms. Thank Jesus! I lurched up after the rest of my body could move.

My arms were still numb so I ended up falling on my side facing a laid down Anti who had one eye looking at me while the other was closed against the pillow.

His face shifted from calm to blood thirst. I could see blood all around him. A few figures behind him with...stabbing wounds in different had a straight cut through its neck, the other had a stab wound in its temple, the last had a gapping whole where it's heart should be. The image then went back to normal

I felt tears in my eyes they started slipping down the side of my face hitting the sheets under me. Wetting the material making it a shade darker. I was shaking as I begun to try and back away.

His eyes widened and he grabbed me from my back and waist and pulled me closer. I began to thrash wanting to get away. No God I don't want to die. Please don't let me die.

Please.please.please.please. I tried to hit his chest and kick him. But he was far stronger, and taller, then me. 'Shhhh it's ok. I won't hurt you.. calm down' He whispered to me.

He was so gentle... I never expected this at felt nice. Happy. Right.

To right... what am I doing. I shouldn't trust people. I shouldn't trust him. I'm head hurts..I can't think..I can't breathe...oh god I can't breathe why can't I breathe! I looked down to see hands grabbing my neck tightly. My eyes started to tear up again.

Soon it flashed to my neck having a gapping gash in it. Blood leaking. Help me please anyone.

It changed again now to him staring into my eyes with a crazed smile on his face. I'm crying now and I can't stop. Shadow like figures from before started appearing but now they are surrounding us. Each ones death getting more brutal then the man wasn't even a corpse just a bunch of chunks put together in a shadow.

I felt a slap to my face stopping my thoughts. I blinked to look at Anti he was growling angrily and I flinched looking down scared as the tears left my eyes.

He sighed and thumbed my cheek. 'Look you need to stop over thinking about things you hear me?' I nodded as he hugged me again before getting up. I sat up as well sighing as I looked at him.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to think any of that...I gotten paranoid again..." I said to him as he got out of the bed. He faced me.

'Just don't do it again jack. I don't want to see you wind up depressed or dead from this. Promise me.' He was shaking..his voice trembling...was it anger?..fear? I would never know...wait why do I care it's he my negative emotions!...I don't know anymore I'm freaking out and I can't do this..I'm scared.

I felt hands grab my shoulders. I was shaking. Someone was shaking me. Please no. Images of blood were flashing past my vision not as bad as the first couple but the gore was just as gruesome, if not more. I'm shaking my head back and fourth. What is wrong with me....I felt a slap on my face again and I looked into angered and hurt eyes.

I was crying again. Makes sense I have always been a bitch when this happens. It always happens after I played horror games...they always felt...surreal. I couldn't explain it.

'Stop. Thinking!' My eyes snapped to his again and I soon nodded. He picked me up and took me down stairs.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. He just grunted before replying 'taking your stupid ass down stairs to calm down.' He snapped at me a little I just nodded. Most in fear but I still nodded.

'You don't have to be scared idiot if I wanted to kill you I would have by now.' He set me down on the couch and laid under me. We ended up watching new cartoons like adventure time and Steven universe. Things like that. I sighed a little as I began to relax. 'Better?' He asked me.

"Way better.' I laughed a little. I felt hands grab me and pull me closer. I tensed confused but shrugged as I ended up with my face laying on his chest again. This was peaceful and I liked it. No more horror, no more gore, no more anything really. And I loved every bit of it. (A/n Tried to keep it as little blood as possible tbh)

A Burning Desire. Jacksepticeye x AntisepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now