The unique ones

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The unique ones

8 years ago

The back yard of the grey dawn pack

The witch watched Kara and her Friends play in the back in the San box in her back yard . They where having a celebration for the king and his for sons they where each sprocket in their own way . But the main on way the bit with the red eyes , he stood close to his father and mother so did the boy with the white hair and blue eyes . I knew they where special in more ways then one .

But I look back over to the Sand box to where the four girls play . I know all their Likes and dislikes every little secret .

Kara sanders alphas daughter . She has curtly blonde hair , with edgy step her curls bounce with every step , and her blue eyes filled with happiness. That will soon change .

Farley Johnson . Beats daughter . She has a deep brown hair almost looks like chocolate , and brown eyes and a smile that could light up a room her father says to her .

Emily smiths . Third in commands daughter . She has jet black hair dark as night . And forest green eyes . She kept a to her self and very shy .

Grace Harrison . Pack warriors daughter . She has blonde / brown hair it looks like she has highlights ( but se doesn't ) . And deep blue eyes like the sea her eyes shine with curiosity and excitement to learn new things .

But things soon will change . Soon

The wick watches them for a few more hours before the four girls are left alone while the adults are over their eating . They should watch yet daughters more often the witch thinks . The signals her men to get the other three while he gets the alphas daughter Kara .

In an instant she is holding Kara with a knife to her throat . " AGHHHHHH" Kara screams . Now that gets the alpha kings attention and every one else's .

Some of them shift Into wolves and try to lunge at the witch .

" ah ah ah , if you bite me I will kill Kara and the rest of our precious daughter to " the witch says evilly

" leave witch ! And let out daughter go !" Alpha sanders bellows

" I will kill her " the witch slashes at Kara's eye she cry's out In pain , it leave a clear line above her eye and below her eye leaving a straight line " now I assume you hand over the she wolves between the ages of 10-14 now ! Or little Kara here dies !" The witch spots out the last part like its poison

The little red eye boy and the rest of his brothers are being held down growling at the witch . The little red eye boys eyes turn bright red and flash with anger . Because Kara is his mate .

Alpha sanders says yes after an 2 hour long argument and more cuts for Kara , Farley , Emily , and grace .

" I will return in 8 years time on this very day at noon . " the witch says

With worries eyes Kara watches her father and pack disappear . As a bag is being pulled one Kara's head and her friends head too . Her happiness disappears with it .

In present time

Kara's p.o.v

I look at the bars of my cell . Yes , a cell . Well I will catch you up on my life . It's basically a living h3ll . Me , Farley , Emily , and grace have been stuck with the witch we would call her the beast from the east when we where younger just for fun . I smile on the old memories , those where the good old days . The rest of the she-wolves from my pack are here the witch makes them train every day from 6:00 am till 5:00 pm she gives us each at a loaf of bread and a little cup of water on Mondays , wendays , and Fridays . Every day but that is where the toucher starts . We train like their is no tomorrow . We train till every bone in are body hurts till you can't even walk anymore you have trained so hard . And some times she beats us till we are in deaths door ,

Till we pass out , till we can't take any more . Some times I wish my wolf would just give up on healing me , so I could finally meet peace .

But no she says we will Stay alive we will fight till we get back home . Well i hate to inform you my dear wolf I have no home . They let me die here ! They let me hurt and suffer this pain ! They are not my family . A real family would look and search for us till the least breath . They have probably forgot about me . I have no home .


I look up to see the witch standing their in all her glory .

" hello my dear Kara " she says with her evil grin . I have found no peace .

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