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Chapter 7:

Matt's POV:

I was relieved when Janessa finally invited me over, it felt unbearable to be a part any longer. It was only two days, but every ounce of my being just wanted to be with her.

The comfort I felt when I was with her was indescribable, I was so captivated by her. Her presence consumed me, she calmed me. Taking away all the awful reminders of how bad it is at home. I hate to sit at home, I hate sitting around constantly pitying myself wondering what I did to deserve such a terrible excuse of a father. I dreaded the times when I had to return home, the uneasiness I felt when I entered my home.

I finally arrived at Janessa's, she told me we'd be painting the guest room.

We were painting the guest room a dark blue, it was calming. Certainly, inviting.

Nessa handed me a paint brush, then grabbed her own. She dipped it into the paint, and began stroking the walls with ease. For a moment, I stood there in admiration. She looked so genuinely happy, something about the beauty in watching someone do the things they love.

'are you gonna join me, or will you continue to stare?" Nessa teased.

' I don't know, you look pretty hot painting that wall. I wouldn't say i'm staring more so admiring the view." I winked.

Nessa just blushed and laughed she threw paint at me. I of course just returned the favour, taking some paint on my hand and grabbing her face kissing her hard. Her hands grasping for my shirt practically tearing it off. She slowly retrieved from kissing my lips and pushed me against the unpainted wall. She began running kisses down my chest and on my neck. The heat building between our touching bodies. Nessa began to dress down giving me a little show daintily pulled down her jeans and kicking them away. Slowly removing her tank top. I then grabbed her hand and pulled her in she wrapped her legs around me, our tongues entering each other's mouths for long moments of heated passion.

Nessa ran her hands running down my chest; her lips not leaving mine and began frantically undoing my belt buckle. I assisted in kicking my jeans off. Nessa started to run her hand into my boxers slowly and delicately pumping my length.

I tried hard not to let noise escape me but I was panting hard, it was quite apparent that Nessa had never done this before. After awhile we stopped.

We finished painting the guest room and decided we were going to cook dinner.

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