Chapter 5

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In the morning

Danny was looking outside observing New York's streets and the peace and quiet. The halfa remembered the news coverage in the invasion force lead by Thor's brother Loki. What could have happened if he was in the avengers that day and would have the problem with the portal be an issue with hit ghost rays and powers. He pondered at his thoughts till he was snapped back into reality by tony "what's on your mind phantom scared about today being your first mission?"

Danny nodes and saw a plane and Bruce going inside with Natasha. Steve was suiting up and so was Hawkeye Thor was practicing with his hammer swinging around. The ghost just looked the billionaire and clears his throat ," what are we going for anyways is it Loki staff and don't you guys want to know my powers?" Stark just pats the ghost back and smiles "nah we don't just surprise us alright let's go kick some ass."

In sokovia

Captain America was riding a motorcycle followed by hydra soldiers, he stopped and grabbed one and threw him into a tree ,threw his shield at the other one causing it to come back to him. Iron man was flying trying to get into the base of hydra but it was protected by some force field. "Jarvis what's the source of the shield ?"

"It's a unusual amount of energy just like there weapons sir." Tony sighs at this and shoots a missile at the build no again and no damage. Thor was fighting with the hulk clearing soldiers and then tanks and jet pack troops started to come. Black widow was with Hawkeye clearing out outposts in the woods.

In the hydra base

"Sir the avengers are here what do we do?" Strucker stayed quite and looked at his people "we will send the American freaks in bags no mercy." The people yelled and then strucker looked at his experiments and smiled. There where two people standing there one guy and one girl, he nodes and they are gone. One person saw a weird person in the woods on there radar. "Sir come look at this there another one of those American freaks but this ones odd." He walks and looks at the radar and the cameras and saw a teen in black and white, Snow White hair and glowing green eyes taking down his men with ease.


Danny was running freaking out about what's going on and saw some troops running at him and blasted him causing him to turn intangible. The teen then shoot some blasts back and took them down but one was hurt till an arrow hit em. "Those are some moves phantom what else can you do?" Danny smiles "I'll show you , look out!" A boom was heard and Danny ran and tackled Hawkeye and turned them both intangible seeing a tank missile go threw them and a blast behind them. Hawkeye was shocked and looked at the ghost in curiosity "wow how did that missile go threw me ?"

Danny just shrugs and leaves the archer in shock and flew away. Seeing the tank he was gonna go in and overshadow the user till hulk grabbed it and threw it across the woods. Hulk looked at phantom and smiled at the teen. Hawkeye saw a bunker and drew an arrow and fired expecting a blast but nothin happened he did it again and nothing. Till a fast wind came past him and he was in the ground and saw a guy smiling at him in a blink of an eye he was gone. "We got enhanced on the field." Everyone was now on alert but Danny didn't know what was going on.

In the base

Tony was in and took down the researchers and went down stairs and saw the staff. He was about to grab it till he saw a vision of the team down. Hulk with spears in his back and Thor dead, Captain America shield in half and Natasha dead and so was Hawkeye so was phantom with some weird spears. Then a portal and the earth behind it and the alien race going for it. He shook his head and snapped out of it and called him arm suit part and grabbed the spear.


Danny was flying and saw the other looking person and charged a blast till he got blasted from the weird tank. He looked and saw ectoplasm coming from his chest and sighed feeling his ribs broken. The tank aimed at him again till hulk grabbed the barrel and bent it and smashed it. The giant walked over to the hurt ghost and picked him up and ran to the ship, the rest of the team went to the ship as well.

Everyone was there and saw banner with phantom bleeding green. "Omg phantom what happened man!" Hawkeye ran to the teen and saw him bleeding out fast, phantom saw stark with the staff and smiled. "Don't worry guys I heal see" the team looked at his chest area and saw the wounds close and brand new till they saw other scars. Tony looked at the white haired ghost with questions how did he get those scars and how did a ghost get scars on the first place. Natasha ran her hand on his chest and looked surprised "so you can heal that's amazing." Thor placed his hammer down next to him "your species must be proud to have you sir phantom."

Stark went up with Steve and talked and looked at the ghost and disgusts about him probably doing recon only or something where he won't get too hurt.

In New York

Stark was researching the staff since Thor agreed to let him. Bruce walked in and tony smirks and shows him something. Phantom was in the main area and was talking to Steve about his powers and what he could do. Danny wanted to show them his human form but for safe keeping he's not cause then his life will be exposed. Better just stay in ghost form for a while unless i can just say gonna check on amity park and go over there and turn Fenton for awhile and relax.

3 hours later

Stark placed a party in honor of finding the staff and it was decent. Everyone kept looking at Danny in awe and curiosity let's just say his night was stressed cause of the questions. Danny walked away and bumped into Thor, the asgardian noticed the ghost troubled face. "What's wrong brother why you not having fun?" Danny just looked at him and sighed "I don't know Thor I can't really drink or anything to be honest and people are staring at me and asking me questions about me joining you guys."

Thor nodes and kinda understands but not knowing his true worry about eating something cause he's dead or half dead. Danny waited for Thor to say something till everyone was leaving and the place was quiet again only the avengers and two other people. They all where drinking and Danny was just there and they looked at him. Natasha looked at the sadness in his green neon eyes and smiled at him "phantom what's wrong?" The team all agreed and looked at the teen spirit hoping there not hurting his feelings about something.

"Nothing guys it's nothing okay I'm just kinda have this feeling is all." Thor looked at him and laughed "what is there to worry about friend where safe here relax." A couple of hours pass and the team tried to pick up Thor's hammer none succeeded but a little move from Steve is all. Thor then looked at Danny and smiled "see if your ghostly power can lift this phantom." Everyone was in support and Danny sighed and walked to it and hovered flying around it in question. "What are you doing there Casper ?" Danny looked at Tony and gave him a fuck you look and laughed "thinking how to hit you with this iron shit."

Everyone was laughing at phantoms comeback. Danny grabbed the handle and pulled and then it kinda moved a bit then nothing. Thor laughs and grabs his hammer "looks like you guys aren't worth." Then a sonic noise filled the room causing everyone to cover there ears. Then footsteps "how can you be worth." Everyone say a stark drone walking out and mangled broken and the team looked at it and Thor gripped his hammer and Natasha had her gun under her. Tony looked at Bruce and Steve looked at the robot and then Danny tilted his head. "Um stark what is this."

The robot looked at Danny "well where all puppets tangled in strings." Everyone didn't know what to do but be defensive. Banner looked at stark "ultron?" The robot looked at them "in the flesh." Then other robot drones flew from the wall and went to the avengers and attacked. Thor hit one with his hammer and causing it to break and Steve grabbed his shield and threw it at one and grabbed it throwing it out. Ultron looked at the ghost and tilted his head "hmmm" he said to himself, all the robots where destroyed at ultron sighed "that was dramatic."

Danny hovered there about to blast ultron till the robot looked and pointed at him. "Avengers do you know who the phantom really is?" The team was silent till Thor had enough "what he's a ghost there's nothing else." Ultron looked at the white haired ghost "I'll show you what more there is." Ultron flew at Danny and threw him causing Danny to hit the wall. Then images and videos of amity park came up of phantom. Thor was about to throw his hammer at ultron till a zap came from ultrons hand and into Danny. The teen screamed bloody murder of pain till stark ran at ultron and blasts him. Ultron was laughing "you will see right now that he's more that just an entity." Then the suit was dead and Steve ran to phantom and then two rings appeared around phantoms body and left a teen boy laying there.

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