Chapter 26

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Cap grabs some weapons about too leave till the security camera picked up someone. "Hey does anyone hear me!" Natasha looked at the screen "is this an old message ?" She shacks her head "no that's the front gate."

Scott was pacing back and forth but vlad looked at him. "What are you trying to say and calm down already." Steve looked at the old halfa but Scott calmed down "I was in the quantum realm for five years." This made Natasha sigh looking at him "must have been hell for you." This made the man laugh then saw a pb and j sandwich walking towards it "it was more like five hours for me. Time works differently there and I saw this guy in purple and had a clock in his chest saying something about Danny."

Vlad gets up running at him "Clockwork was there how ?" Steve looked at him too "Scott what did he say. Everything." The man sat down "something about reality gauntlet and too get Danny back on our side for time travel." Everyone in the room was speechless except vlad.

"In theory we could make a quantum realm portal just like the ghost zone portal. But we need someone that knows quantum theory." Steve nods in agreement "we can see tony about that." Vlad smiled at that but stoped "if that doesn't work we have to go to the ghost zone. There doors there that lead to other ghost. But if we get the infi-map could help us. Hardly Danny would want us there but if we can't find it then Clockwork place his time bubble should work too."

Ghost zone

Danny sits on his throne looking at the zones peaceful picture. The halfa smiled a bit getting up leaving his castle then headed to Clockwork lair. The ghost lands walking around then stopped thinking about the time bubble. Seeing a big green orb filled with green smoke he looked seeing the time staff on the side grabbing it. "Show me the avengers." The bubble showed Steve, Natasha, Scott and vlad talking to tony.

This made the king frown seeing plasmius with them. He heard time travel making Danny drop the staff and the image faded away. An observer came in looking at him "everything okay my king?" Danny looked at him moving his bangs out of his face picking up the staff. "Yes something I didn't realize I'm be gone for awhile." Without a word the halfa was gone.

Avengers base 2 days later

Hulk and everyone were trying the quantum realm travel till a green portal opens. Vlad looks at the portal seeing Danny fly out and land on top of the van. Steve looks at him not knowing what to expect "you want to go back and undo what that asshole did."

Hulk looked at him fixing his glasses "yea we might have found away to get everyone back." Natasha looked at Danny seeing scars on his right eye his eyes blood red from green. Steve saw the crown burn green and a ring on his right hand with a skull in it. Scott looked at the man stepping back "that's Danny Phantom from Germany?" The halfa floated then landed nodding "if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be like this." The ring started to glow seeing Danny's skin slightly turn blue which made vlad step up.

"Daniel James Fenton. You have no right I don't care if they didn't save you or anything. They had shit to do after Thanos. Shield was gone they didn't protect you cause fury dusted. What would Maddie think of you now." The halfa stoped mid walk locking eyes with vlad "oh boy." Scott hide behind hulk while Steve and Natasha kinda prepare for anything.

"Don't you ever say her name plasm-." Vlad walked toward him anyways "what about jazz. Your idiot father jack. Sam and tucker what about them. You turned into the monster you promised them you would never become." The halfa stop dead in his tracks his cape ghostly flowed "Daniel I'm sorry if I would have known I would have saved you. I didn't approve of what Bruce did too you. Wanting Dan's power and infuse both of you guys together. Wasn't smart."

Danny charged a ecto blast till vlad went infront of him hugging him. "I'm sorry little badger for everything. I know I wasn't the best uncle threw out the years of us battling. I just want you to know I never wanted you dead I wanted you as a son. I love you Daniel." This made the halfa skin flow back to normal feeling two rings go threw him revealing his human form stitches on his arms and his blue eyes dying. Steve walked up to him slowly vlad stepped aside for him to talk to him.

"Look Danny we didnt know either if we found out about what the GIW did to you me,tony everyone would have busted down those doors and saved you." Danny looked at him wiping his tears away hugging him "you gotten older Sir Danny." This made the halfa laugh and smile Steve looked at him "were your family don't ever forget that."

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