Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to Ross (Not her real name)

Liam's POV

I woke up next morning to a loud noise. Sounded as if something metalic had been dropped. I look around, adjusting my eyes to a new surrounding. I started fretting. Where was I? Who was I with? And that was when it all came to me. Yesterday, when me and the boys came to Ashleigh's place, we enjoyed so much that we didn't realise how the time flew by. It wasn't until it was 1:30 am after we had finished the third movie of the day, that it was getting late. Upon Amy's advise, we stayed at their house as she found the tme to be "too unsafe". I yawned as I walked of the couch and into the kitchen, where I had first heard the noise. I walk in on a bright happy Taylah who had managed to drop a pan. "Good Mornin' Liam" she said cheerfully. Well someone was a morning person. "Morning. What are you makin?" I addressed her sleepily. "Pancakes" she told me. That was good, 

I was just waiting there, until Louis walked in, and we greeted each other. Taylah handed me a plate, with delicious smelling pancakes on it. I took my first bite, and I loved it. I could see her cooking had improved. I still couldn't forget the time once, when in food technology, she messed up some ingredients in her damper, and didn't make cuts along the top of the dough, so it turned out to be uncooked and disgusting (A/N True story. Happened only about 2-3 weeks ago. Sorry Tay for putting it in here but I found it funny and couldn't help it LOL=D). My memories were interrupted, as Simran walked in to the main room, muttering "Oh shit oh shit oh shit crap crap crap, where's my watch, where's my phone, crap crap shit" and so on. (A/N I'm usually like this on school mornings, I end up sleeping in >_<).

"What's wrong?" I heard Louis ask her. She was too preoccupied to notice, so Taylah had to answer for her. "She's got an early morning class" Oh my god! On a Saturday? Wow. And with that Simran left.  After that, one by one, everybody started to come in. Zayn said he was leaving to see Ross, his girlfriend (A/N Ross hates 1D and whenever I fangirl she rolls her eyes so yeah this is my REVENGE  mwahahahahaha) Niall and Ashleigh went off on some sort os a date. Louis and Naveena decided that they wanted a brother/sister day, and Harry had, funnily enough, asked Amy out on a date. So, it was very awkwardly just me and Taylah left. "So...." I attempted to make some sort of a conversation. "Did you hear about the funfair?" she asked me. Funfair? It sort of rung a bell. I had seen some posters around town...


There was me, there was Taylah, and there was a ferris wheel. We ended up going to the funfair, and it was just as fun as its name. There were all sorts of rides, and fun game and food stalls all around. Taylah wanted to start by going on the ferris wheel, and I must say, it was a good choice. It was relaxing, and calme, just Taylah and I. That's right. I had never really gotten over my love for Taylah. The harder I tried, the more I loved her. I used this opportunity on the ferris wheel to sit next to her, and very close. She looked at me, and I looked back. Her amazing sea blu eyes, with a dark blue ring around it. Magnificent. I was thinking, how could she like me? I mean, I saw that bracelet on her wrist, and I wanted to know if she truly loved me, or was just a fangirl. 

And so I found out. I did what neither I, nor she expected. I gently placed my lips on hers, and gave her a soft gentle kiss, to see if she would reciprocate. Which, to my joy, she did!!! And that was when I saw a flash of light, and a click. I disconnected our lips and looked down towards the source. Standing there was an E! News cameraman, and he had obviously taken a picture. Oh lord.... Simon was going to kill me!


A/N Hope you liked it, dedication to Ross cause no matter how much i annoy you, want you to know that Still love you (as a sister- don't take this the wrong way people)=D

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