Friend Please

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~Since this is the starter chapter, it's my idea but feel free to leave suggestions! Enjoy!❤️~

Tyler's POV
     I sit alone on the curb of a busy street, looking around at the cars driving past, feeling the cool air fly into me, cooling my entire body giving me chills. No one seems to notice me, almost as if I'm invisible. I didn't mind it, I'd rather not be crowded by fans right now.
     I begin to think about Josh, I wonder what he's doing right now. Probably practicing drums or something. The voices begin to talk again, "You're such an idiot, Josh would never love you. For that fact no one will love you." They're right, why would josh ever love me back?I'm useless. Maybe I should just forget about him, I've been crushing on him forever now. I stand up slowly, wincing a little from the pain in my butt from sitting so long. I keep my head down as I walk back to the apartment. I think again, I don't want to go back, why should I? Maybe I should never go back. I turn the other way, a lump beginning to form in my throat. I walk swiftly to the spot where Josh and I first met. It was a beautiful park with a lake and big weeping willows all around, a few benches and tons of goose shit everywhere. Whenever one of us got sad or mad we would always come here to find each other. I'm gonna miss that. Josh has always been there for me, I wish I could be there for him. Next to the lake a little in the woods was an old building, maybe 150 years old? Super worn down and dusty. I walk into the giant building, avoiding fallen bricks. The room is filled with silence, the only thing I could hear was my own heart beating and each breath I take.
I take the worn down and slightly terrifying stairs up to the top floor and climb an outside ladder to get to the very top. The cold wind blows on me, making me shiver more than before. I sit on the edge of the building letting my feet dangle of the edge. I look off the edge, it's a long way down, definitely far enough to kill somebody. I take my phone out of my pocket and pull up Josh's number. I decide if I should call him or not, I guess it would be the best to say goodbye. I clicked the call button and listen to the ringer a couple times before I hear Josh's beautiful voice. "Hey Tyler, what's up?"
     "Hey Josh," Tears start to prickle at my eyes.

Josh's POV
     "Are you okay Ty?" I asked a little more concerned now then when I started the call. He sounded terrified and scared. He didn't answer, "Tyler?"
"I'm sorry Josh. I'm sorry I've never been there for you. I wish I could start over and be such a better friend. I can't handle this anymore. The pills aren't working." I hear sobs from the other side of the phone. "Josh, I wish I could stay with you forever. Warm, in your arms. Josh, I-I love you and I always will. Please don't forget about me, goodbye Josh." The phone hangs up and all I hear is the sound of beeps. I'm speechless, a couple tears fall onto my cheeks. What do I do, I start to panic. Is he gone? Will I never see him? I run around the house grabbing the keys and some belongings. I race out the door and jump into the car driving as fast as I can, I know exactly where he is.
I see the big willows in the distance as I park into the parking lot. I jump out of the car and sprint as fast as I can to the big old building. I didn't care about the people staring, all I cared about is my ty. I want him to be safe. I want him back in my arms. I want to reassure him that I will always be there for him and he never has to worry about me leaving. I look up and down and all around the building to see if I can see him. Either he's not here or I'm blind cause I can't see him anywhere. I decide to run through each of the floors anyways to make sure. I start to get more scared and more panicky each floor I climb. What if I never see him again? What if I never get to confess my love for him? What if I never get to touch his soft skin? Look into his deep beautiful eyes? Listen to his amazing voice? I start to run around even faster even though I feel like my lunges are going to collapse, it's all worth it. I climb the last flight of stairs and no sign. I get a deep sad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Then I remember there's a ladder to the very top floor, there's one last chance for hope. I sprint to the balcony and climb the ladder. I climb over the edge and look around. Then I see him. I see him sitting on the edge looking over at me. Tears pouring from both our eyes. I run over to him pulling him onto the the hard, cold cement, hugging him tightly, still panting. I never want to let him go, I never want to go through this again. Both of us were sobbing onto each other. I sit myself up bringing Tyler with me, I look into his puffy red eyes and grab Tyler's chin tipping his head up a bit. I lean in to kiss Tyler, our lips fitting together almost perfectly. Tyler kisses back deepening the kiss. I slowly pull back and look Tyler back in the eyes and grab his hand entangling our fingers together.
     "Please don't ever do this again, I love you too much to see you hurting. Please friend, don't take you life away from me." I whisper, tears still falling. Tyler nods and I hug him once more, tighter than before. "I love you Tyler, so so much." I whisper into his ear.
     "I love you more Josh."

~Thank you for reading this and I really hope you enjoyed it! Come back later and also leave suggestions for more stories. I'd really appreciate it! Once again, thank youuuu❤️~

Word count: 1094

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