chapter 1

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It was two years when all this happened. When I lost my best friend. My world, my only love and hope I had. I lost my most beloved friend Seya two years ago. It's all my fault. I was incapable of making her feel comfatable when life decided to give her nightmares and ruin her to death.
It all started when we were young. I was very studious, nerdy and cooperative. Seya was the total opposite of myself- young, wild and free. When both of us were sixteen it was our passion to read books and poety. Seya joined the library and she enjoyed going there everyday afterschool. But as time passed by she made new guy friends and it took her a long while to come back. Nobody knew what took her that long in the library. A few weeks later the cute, cool and attractive seya was gone. Instead she was replaced by the glum and pale girl who was in a bad mood everyday. Sometimes when we were having a pillow fight at night I noticed bruises on her neck, but when I tried to talk about it with her she always ignored me and said that she wanted to be alone. I knew that something wasn't okay. since she felt uncomfotable talking to me (which is akward because I was her best friend for years and we basically shared our apartments) I decided to keep quite.
A few nights later, I was suprised to see seya at our doorstep dressed in her usual hoodie. I never expected to see her after ignoring me for so long. Suddenly I noticed that her mascara was on her cheeks and she looked pale and dull. We both headed up to my room
In my room she wept and wept and wept and wept. Her words are still illustrated in my mind." I had a relationship with this guy, he was not our type. Rude, mean and careless-the typical bad boy type. Since he was so good looking, I fell for him.but now I realise that I'm one of those girls who have ruined there life!!!!" She choked out her words in a horrible manner.
"Seya, everything is okay. Eveything will be fine. You did not do anything. So don't worry. I belive in you Seya." I said while tears curled up in my eyes.
"Everything is not okay Nat!! From ten years from now I will be feeding an teaching the kids of mine, becuase I am pregnant and i don't know how to face my family or anybody" she screamed the words fom terror.
I was shocked to death after hearing this. My best friend, my only family left is pregnant underage.just when she was sixteen??
" I do not know Nat. I really don't get all this." She wept even more.
"Seya, what happened to the guy? And how long have it been since you got to know all this?" I asked her with a little bit of hope left inside me.
" about two weeks. The man escaped. He left no sign of him behind. I'm all alone Nat. I'm all alone. She cried really hard and rolled on my bed."I'll have to go now I need to freshen up before my parents show up from India. See ya, Nat." She started to walk towards the door when I suddenly stopped her." Think wisely Seya, all this stuff, it does not mean that your ruined. It's a chance to prove that your a strong lady. I said trying hard not to cry. Since both of us were an emotional wreck, we gave each other long and comforting hugs to satisfy each other.
It was about 9.00 when my phone started buzzing. It was a text message from Seya."pls, remember, I will always be your best friend. I'm always there with you no matter what happens." She texted me.
I was astonished to see this. Seya was not the type of girl who sent serious texts. Something about her felt insecure. I rushed to her place in a flash.
I had a spare key to her place and I used it to get inside. When I got nearer to her room it was unusually silent, that you can hear a pin drop noise. Slowly I opened the door to her bedroom.
AHHHHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!OHHH MYYY GODDDD!!!! I screamed from terror. Tears were filling up in my eyes. I was shocked to see my only love, hope and happiness, my only family that's left for me ruined in just one shot. My loving friend Seya had hung herself up on the fan. I felt the fear swirling up inside me after seeing her tongue and her eyes popped out frantically. She had used a piece of cord to hang her self.
"Seya!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD, SEYA!!!!! Please come back Seya!!!! Don't leave me all alone in this world!!! You were my only hope and happiness as an orphan. Seya!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and wept until I could taste blood in my throat.
"That night I wept for so long and in the end the case was setteled by the involment of the police. Even though my parents were not there,Seya's parents were going nuts after the incident.
Her father died of a heart attack and her mother is now suffering at the mental hospital.
It all happened becuase of seya's misbehavioural thoughts,her young,wild and unsensible life.
It all hapened becuase I was not there to help her solve the poblems just like she helped me with my problems. Maybe I was not a good friend. Maybe I was selfish.
Seeing a murder or a suciadal mission right in front of your eyes is not easy. Especialy when it happens to your loved ones.
It's been two years now. But sill it haunts me to death, everyday and everynight.
After losing everything I owened, everything I loved ,I thought of working as a part time volanteer at the mental hospital. I'm now also the founder of a teen mother wellcare organization.
Even though I lost a lot of things and could not cope up with anything in the past, I never stopped trying. I could not help and rescue her but now I'm helpong hundreds of people who are facing the same sort of situation. It gives me peace.
I know that seya is happy for me. For gaining a beautiful life after losing her. But she will always be in my heart. She will always be a good friend to remember.

MORAL: Thinking about your past mistakes will never lead you
To a happy life. Stop regretting and start over. If you
Lose something or a person in the journey to a happy
And a successful life, dont worry, you haven't failed
Yet. There is always a bright light at the end of the
Tunnel waiting for you.
So always remember, failiars of our lives are the
Biggest milestones to a life filled with beauty and grace

HAKUNA MATATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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