Ch7:party part2

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Joel pov//
She's crying why? Did I scare her? Or is she just really wasted? "Lydia are you okay?" I asked try to help her up she flinched as I was going to help her up she thought I was gonna hurt her

"I'm sorry please don't hurt me!" You can hear the pain in her voice "I would never do such a thing" I say holding her in my arms she's cry then I cry "Joey(her nickname for him) why are you crying?" She asked I look down at her

"I-I just can't imagine why someone would hurt you" "well look at me I'm a fat ugly slut that deserves to die"she replied "you are everything but that" I say hugging her tighter afraid if I didn't she'd slip away she started to play with the bracelets on my arm we started talking about random stuff

it's around 2:30am and the party is still happening I think even more people showed up to be honest Lydia and I were starting to get tired so I pick her up and we walk out to go to my room "potato donde vamos?" She asked me "para mí room" i replied she nooded

we make it to my room without any interruptions I walk in and check to see if the coast is clear and it is I place her on the bed and go to close the door with a lock because we don't need anyone to interrupt our sleep I look at Lyds and she's shivering "are you cold?" I asked her "yeah kinda" she replied I go into my closet and pick a long sleeve shirt and some sweats

I give them to her "here um I'll go sit over there and you can change into them" I was about to walk away when I was stopped "uhh Joey um I kinda don't have a bra on under this so um is it fine to wear this without a bra" she asked looking down she's so cute I bit my lip "yeah that's fine" I walk away and go change my self into sweats and no shirt it's hot today

"are you done?" I asked I turn at moment she's pulling the shirt down I saw her boobs wow okay big, and beautiful wait no stop thinking about that Joel i walk towards the bed pretending I never saw anything she jumped onto the bed too I turn of the side table light and darkness filled the room

I cuddle up to Lyds "goodnight Joel I love you" I hear her say my heart speeds up wait no she's drunk she won't remember anything.

Lydia pov//
He didn't say it back wow okay way to go Lydia you probably scared him away like you do with everybody I soon fall into a sleep

Lydia's dream//
I'm running from something. My bullies. "Get back here you whore" "how is so fast she's fat" I trip I look to see a blade "what how did I trip on that!?" I yell I try to get up but it's too late "we finally go the whore" "oh look is this yours?" One says picking up the blade "n-no" I replied "cut her" "what?!" I yell they hold me down I start to kick around try to get free "no stop please" I scream out crying I feel a cold metal touch my forearm before pain kicks in "STOP PLEASE" I scream and scream hoping someone would save me yet no one came "Lydia? Oh god it is you go back don't leave it's not your time" I hear I look around and see my brother Caleb he passed when he was 13 almost 2 years ago "Caleb please don't leave me!" He left me just like everyone else. "LYDIA!"

Lydia pov//
I wake panting and sweating like crazy "Lydia you're finally awake what happened" Joel asked me I'm not feeling well at all I run to his bathroom I let my knees hit the ground before the toilet and it comes rushing up I threw up I feel someone holding my hair while I let it all out

After I finished Joel had an extra tooth brush and let my use it I walk back into his room still feeling light headed and dizzy I try to walk it off I fall making a loud bang soon darkness takes over

Joel pov//
*bang* I turned and see Lydia on the floor I rush over to her "Lydia?! Lydia!?" I shake her nothing "yo dude you alright we heard a loud thud" the guys walk in "no it's Lydia she's not waking up" "call 911 Joel" I let Erick hold my bab-Lydia

Phone call:
911: this is 911 what's your emergency

Me: my girlfriend I mean friend passed out she was having nightmares and woke up to end up throwing up

911:is she breathing

Me: Erick?
Me: yes she's but barely

911: what's your address

Me: *address*

911: an ambulance is on there way thank you for calling
They hang up
End of phone call:

"They are on their way" I say going to Lydia I hold her hand she's cold "let's walk here down stairs" zabdiel says "Christopher since you have shoes you carry her" "okay" he picked her up "wait why is she not wearing a bra?" He asked oh yeah no bra "she wasn't wearing a bra under her shirt" I say as all guys look at me "mmmh" Richard says I put my shoes on as they walk out I grab a shirt and put it on

I walk down stairs as I do I see a black about Lydia's size and I pick it up "I found a bra to put on her" I say Erick puts it on her since they trust him more I hear the sirens "they are here " I pick her up and take her out they take here no was was aloud on since  we weren't family we go in my car of course I don't drive


Ooh what's wrong with Lydia

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