Chapter 5- the strength of tennis

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So here is the update!! Enjoy

Oh and that's Her tennis coach up^^^^^^^^ there.


The next morning I woke up with a sharp pain digging into my back. Realising I slept in a very awkward position, I got up and started to stretch out my back. I walked over to my calendar and I realised it was Saturday!!! My day on Saturday consists of tennis in the morning and watching Netflix for the rest of the day. I have no life!

I walk into the bathroom and start to wash my face from the dry tear marks left from last night.

I don't think he will be

My mothers words kept replaying in my mind over and over again like a record. Just the thought of my dad never being home made my stomach churn uncomfortably. Now I knew that I had to push these thoughts away as it was Saturday. Every Saturday I have a tennis match against another person my age. I am currently ranking 1st and I plan to keep it that way. As I finished washing my face, I placed on my white tennis skirt and my light blue tank Nike shirt. I ran downstairs so my mum could drive me to the comp. I grabbed a Granola bar and waited for her in the car. As I was waiting, i couldn't help but let my mind wonder off to what Tyler was doing.

Ugh! What is he doing to me!!

What I didn't realise was that we were halfway to the comp. Man my thoughts can be distracting sometimes. "Are you nervous?" My mum asked me for the billionth time. Every Saturday It's the same question asked. "Mum, you know me. I barely get nervous for these types of things." I said in a proud voice. "Well honey, I like your confidence but just remember the one thing I always say to you: Keep your eye on the ba-"

"Yes mum keep your eye on the Ball and all will be well" I think it is the most stupidest saying ever but somehow it works. As we arrive to the comp and start to look for parking, I see my coach as well as other fellow competitors.

Versed her

Versed him

Won against her

Versed He- OMG Is that Tyler?? As we are finding a parking spot I see tyler warming up for a round against another guy I have already won against. He just Looks so..... Perfect!!

"You look so perfect standing there, In my American Apparel underwear, And I know now, that I'm so down, Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart, And I know now, that I'm so down Hey!!"



As I try to calm myself down, i get out of the car with my tennis equipment on my back and run up to the Timetable to see who I am versing. And of course the universe just hates me at the moments and just wants to ruin my life and my future. I am versing TYLER FRIGGIN REED!! I can't be focused on his good looks at the moment. I really need to focus and win. But I just can't help to stare at his muscles when he flexes his arm, his abs which are clearly noticeable through is polo shirt and his strong Jawline! Damn.

Stay focused on the game Bella

But he's just soooooooo Droolworthy. Is that even a word?

(A/N: Comment If it's a word because I have no Idea and cannot be bothered looking it up)

What I didn't realise was my coach has been calling my name for the last minute and I haven't even started warming up! My coach is a 24 year old guy who I have become close with for the last 7 years. He has taught me all my tennis skills and my positions. He has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and is quite tall and tan. His name is David Ferguson but I just call him Dave for short. I used to have a crush on him when i was younger but I am so over that. But I have to admit, He is quite good looking.

"Bella! You are versing Tyler Reed in 5 minutes so I strongly suggest to you that you should start warming up. Now i want you stay focused and keep your eye on the ball."

"Yes Dave"

I start to do the basic stretches like lunges, push ups, crunches and arm exercises as well. Tyler is now talking to the chair umpire who was clearly not interested in what he has to say but he kept writing on his notebook.

Ha! I thought

The game was about to start and i grabbed my tennis racquet and went to the net where we had to shake hands before the game started. "Good luck Rockswood" he said in a deep voice. "you too, You're gonna need it" I was very competitive in games. Thankfully, I got to serve first. Serving was my strong point in tennis because according to my coach I had " A good swing"

I see Tyler on the other side of the court and he looked really distracted. I bounced the ball three times and went to throw it up. As I hit the ball over the net, All I hear next is someone groaning in pain. When I opened my eyes I see tyler on the floor holding his crotch. Then I realised:

I hit tyler in his crotch with the tennis ball.


Soooooooo What do you think will happen next chapter. Well I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. I was actually laughing as I was writing this. I will try and bring myself to update this book because I do enjoy writing it so yea. That's If I'm bothered enough lol!!! Please comment if I should keep writing this book. Love y'all!!

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