Chapter 6- apologies and motorbikes

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Hey guys!!!! I know I haven't updated in a while but it's getting closer to school holidays and I promise I will try to keep writing. Here is another chapter!!


I hit Tyler in the crotch

End of flashback

I froze

I actually didn't know what to do. This is all new to me as I have never directly hit someone in their private parts. I can see Tyler groaning and rolling around on the floor holding his crotch. I dropped my tennis racquet and ran over to Tyler like the good person I am.

"OH MY GOSH I AM SO SORRY TYLER! FORGIVE ME PLEASE! I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR YOU JUST PLEASE FORGIVE ME! " I start yelling in his face. He looks at me like I've grown two heads and then the most unexpected thing happened.

He started laughing

It's like he had forgotten that 2 minutes ago I just hit him in his family jewels with a tennis ball. He's now laughing on the floor with his face as red as a tomato.

"Are you done laughing?"

But that statement just makes him laugh even harder with tears rolling down his face. I don't get what was so funny? I just asked him if he was ok and the BOOM! He is having a laughing attack.

"So much for trying to be nice" I muttered under my breath while walking away.

"Bella wait! Come on. I was joking!"

"Yea well you should have thought about that before laughing your arse off!"

"Oooohhhhhhh the innocent Bella swears!!!!"


" ohh she swears again"

"You are so infuriating sometimes"

"Aww so you think I'm nice for most of the time?"

I can't even anymore. So I just ignored him and started to walk back over to the other side of the court.

"You wanna finish this game or not?" I yelled out to him.

"Nah I wanna go home and practice my skills more. Bye!" He said and walked off the court. Well it looks like I win that game. Ha chicken!

"What happened out there?"
My coach says to me.

"My opponent was to chicken so he went home. Which is what I am going to do now. I will see you next week!"

"Ok. Bye Bella"

I walk over to my bag to grab my stuff while checking my phone to see where my mum is. She sent me a text saying that she can't pick me up so I will have to walk home. Wow thanks mum!

As I start my walk home, a roaring engine pulls up beside and it's Tyler. Surprised by the death trap he is riding, I don't say anything.

"Cat gotcha tongue, Bella?"

"What do you want Tyler?" I spit out, hoping he hears the hatred in my voice.

"Well Bella, I was riding home and because I was using my eyes, I saw a girl walking home by herself and then I realised that it was you. I was gonna give you a ride home but it seems that you'd prefer the walk......" he said while his voice was trailing off.

"I wouldn't of accepted your offer because I am too young to die. That death trap is gonna be the death of me."

"Well you don't have a choice."

" Yes I do and I'm not going home with you." I said while walking away. Just as I was walking, I feel a strong pair of arm wrap around my waist and my feet being lifted off the ground.


" no can do princess. If you're not gonna get on, I'll get you my bike. Her put this helmet on and hold on tight."

I placed the helmet on and held onto his sculpted torso for dear life.

When the ride was over, I couldn't let go of his waist.

" umm..princess you can let go now."

"No I can't let go, every time I told you to slow down, you only sped up! YOU KNOW I COULD HAVE DIED! BUT NO YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT MY SAFETY AT ALL! SO NO I WILL NOT LET GO!!"

" You know, if you wanted to be this close to me you could have asked" he says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ew" I say immediately taking my hands off from his waist. I got off the bike walking to my front door not before turning around and waving to Tyler. " thanks for the ride Tyler"

"Anytime princess" he rode off and I went upstairs to spend the rest of my Saturday eating and watching Netflix.

So that is chapter 6 for you all. I hope you like it!

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