Chapter 2- Meeting him

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Bella's P.O.V


As I am walking to the front of the school I see the one person who I have been meaning to avoid all year.

Tyler Read

*End of Flashback*

Avoiding all of the attention, I walk up to my lock to get my books for 1st period. I don't get why girls always swoon over him and his friends, I mean he has the perfect looks, grades and skills, but he would never notice a nerd like me, so why bother? As I am walking to class, I was in deep thought until I bumped into a hard muscular chest. I look up, my eyes trailing from his chest up to his face. Of course it had to be him...didn't it? 

Closer up he looks even better!  Ugh shut up conscience!

" Done staring yet?" he says, and my face instantly flushed crimson. I started to notice a crowd forming around us. This cannot be happening. 

" I-I wasn't s-staring, I have to g-get to class," and those were the only words that I was able to force out of myself as I hurriedly dragged myself to my next class, not caring at all I'll be late. As i walk into the classroom i notice that people were just arriving (thank goodness) and I just went to my usual spot in the classroom where my best friend Hailey was. I had to admit, Hailey was gorgeous. She had sleek brown hair that that fell just above her waist, and brown eyes that could make any boy swoon. In other words, she was the complete opposite of my ragged self. She is also the crazy type who is obsessed with boys and finding love. 

"YO GIRL" she greets. That is how we say hello to each other but honestly I'm not in the mood today so I just nod at her, my mouth folded into a thin line. 

"Who lit the fuse to your tampon?"

I roll my eyes and answer her in a monotone voice, "Two words, Tyler Read."

Her eyes widened to the size of saucers. I prepared myself for what was about to come. 


"I-" I was just about to tell her what happened when the evacuation bell rang. This bell means that there is a huge storm coming our way and to survive we all need to be evacuated. all you can hear now is screams and loud yelling from the teachers. All I can think about now is my dad because we only evacuate from the school if a storm is big. 

As everyone is rushing out of the school doors, I wait for Hailey and we go to my place. She knows the situation I am in with my dad and all. I can see my car waiting for me outside the school parking lot across the road

I can see Tyler Reed laughing along with his friends. He catches my eye and gives me a wink and smirks. I tore my eyes away from his gaze and shook my head. He couldn't be winking at me, could he? COULD HE?

As we walking to the parking lot, all I can think about is Dad: he is a very smart person who knows what to come and is alert at all times. I am very close to him and losing him would be so devastating. 


"Daddy, Daddy you're home!"

My Dad was finally home from a long trip to kansas. I missed him so much and to see him home is a big relief

"Princess! I missed you so so much and I bought you a little gift!"

"what is it?"

"A new princess tiara that is very valuable"

"Thanks Daddy! I Love you so so so so Much!"

" I love you to Princess"

*End of Flashback*


Ok so I have decided that the front cover for this book that the cover is very boring so if you want to, Send me a new cover. Best cover will win spam on their works. 

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