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"Liam you better have a good reason as to why you're calling me right now." I said, breathless as I kept jogging. Ever since the day we left Stephanie's house Liam hasn't left me, he goes to school and he comes back to me. As sweet as he is, it was getting annoying having him over at the hotel every day.

"I was just wondering what you were doing."

"Do not make me use a spell for you to lose memory."

"Wait, you can do that?" Liam says and I hear him stop, I imagine him frowning and I rolled my eyes.

"Look I appreciate the concern and everything but even I have limits on how much I can take of you. Don't make me drop all communications with you."

"Okay, okay fine. I just- I just want to make sure you're okay."

"As sweet as you come Blue, I've been looking after myself for years now. It isn't going to change just because everything comes to light." I said, as I continued running, I had an uneasy feeling wash over my body. I looked around trying to see anyone but I couldn't see anyone making me even confused.

"I know." Liam says snapping me out of my headspace making me focus on the conversation. I still felt a presence behind me, making me keep my head up as I continued to keep my pace up.

"Liam I gotta go, I have a run to finish. I'll talk to you later, if you come by the hotel later today I'll make you regret it." I said, hanging up before he could get another word in. I picked up my pace as I continued weaving through the woods.

As I was running I hear footsteps behind me making me start to run faster as I got to an open area. I turned around pulling out my knife looking around seeing nobody behind me making me clench my jaw.

I hear something behind me and feel them try to attack me, I ducked pushing myself backwards seeing the person stumble past me. They turned around and giving me a look smirking as he comes to attack me again.

I weaved back bringing my hand up blocking them from coming back as I brought the hand up that had the knife slicing a part of their arm making them wince out. He kicked my knee making me fall to the ground, he goes to knee me but I was quick blocked it.

He grabs onto my hair pulling my head back then throwing me back making me land on the ground with a thud. He comes over to stomp on me but I rolled over just as his leg comes down, I grabbed the knife I dropped slicing his leg making him groan in pain again.

I took this as an opportunity to pull his leg making him fall into a split as I hopped up on my hands kicking him in the face, a crack sounding the area instead of our grunts. He tries to get up but I stepped on his chest glaring at him.

"Who are you? And why are you following me?"

"He's looking for you and this time, he'll get everything he needs." The guy says menacingly before he starts to gag making me frown getting off him. He starts to choke making me stand back before the last of his air passes through his body.

I stood there in shock for a couple seconds before pulling out my phone, knowing there was only two people that I needed to call. I put the phone up to my ear hearing it only ring twice before hearing his voice.

"Carmen?" Scott says and I winced at the sound of my brothers voice, it sounded shocked and worried.

"You need to come out to the reservation. Now."

"Why? What's up, are you okay?"

"He's alive Scott." I said, feeling my voice start to waver as I pushed back the tears, "Sean is alive and he's looking for me again."

CROSS MY HEART ♕ teen wolf [1]Where stories live. Discover now