Junooniyat : part - 25

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Hey guys!!
Am back again.
This update is quite Short as its Ramadan I can't write much bigger updates, am trying my best to be regular.
I may end this FF in few chapters now, as am thinking to cut down a twist which I've thought before.

I won't say happy Reading.


Recap of part #24 :- SwaSan Hot Romance, Sanskaar's jealousy, Sujata and Swara's phone convo, Purab meeting Sanskaar, outing. Sanskaar's Face off with Swara's Dad, Shekhar's condition, Swara crying."

Part : 25

His life less legs least helped his limp body body to walk to home, his mind clouded with so many questions, and heart filled with sorrow.

World could never believe that a guy like can actually cry, but he did. Tears flushed down his slightly stubbled cheeks. Morning was so ecstatic with her in his arms but Evening turned everything to its worst.

His heart felt terrible pain thinking about Swara still Crying, he knew what ever it was, how much she makes him jealous or anything she will never give up on him, never give up on them, their never ending love., and she would do anything for it.

A side of his heart felt proud of loving her and her unconditional love but other felt vulnerable thinking about her state, though they were different bodies, but with one soul, their hearts were connected.

He kinda never thought in his wildest dreams of changing himself as in his behavior and attitude of a flirt cool guy, but the movement she entered In his life, everything changed, he was not the same anymore, he turned into a one women man.

Every inch of his heart pained to its worse feeling her pain, She wanted to be with him right now, he knew only he could calm her down Like only she can give peace to his paining heart. He wanted to run to her and take her in his arms but situation wasn't helpful. He was helpless but not hopeless.

He would do anything to get her, Even if it cost  his last breath.

His legs gave up dawning him on ground, The person who can be your all strength makes you so vulnerable at the same Time.

Her face was something that never blurred in his eyes. Nonchalant of the surroundings he cried his heart out, tears beamed out from his Deep chocolate brown eyes. The nostalgia of Their movements made him more and more weak, he needed her, she was his strength, his Happiness, His everything.

Junooniyat [wattys2017] [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now