blackwatch: day two

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it was still dark out when they reached the base; around three am. the truck doors swung open and genji climbed out, as well as a very stone faced woman, who was bound in chains.

with the dispatch of overwatch, there was no team to control talon, a band of rouge assassins that overwatch once had the power to regulate. the woman was part of overwatch at one point, but once overwatch ceased to exist, she went back to her darker ways. genji had heard that she killed her former love in his sleep, but he wasn't sure. blackwatch was apparently, as far as genji knew, taking her as either a recruit or a prisoner. since genji wasn't in chains and she was, he assumed the latter.

her skin gave off a subtle purple hue in the almost complete darkness of the truck, but once she climbed out of the truck with genji, he realized her complexion was a deep shade of violet. she glanced at genji, and while he expected a disgust-related response from her, she simply eyed him quickly before being jerked away.

genji entered the bright corridor inside the large metal building as directed. he walked through the halls until he reached one large room that seemed to be a common room. it had a more friendly vibe than the truck or the hallways, but that was probably because it had people in it.

at the table in the center of the room sat two very built men who genji was aware of through overwatch. captain morrison and gabriel reyes, arguably the best soldiers in the program. to the left at the counter sat ana amari, a former overwatch sniper and jack morrison's right hand healer. conversing with her was a man genji had only seen once before.

jesse mcree, a tanned cowboy who had a hard choice to make at twenty three; go to jail for life and longer for a weapon dealing bust, or join blackwatch. he chose the latter.

genji entered the room, catching the attention of reyes and morrison. they both stood, welcoming genji.

"you must be the new recruit," ana amari exclaimed as she got off her stool, sticking out a hand for genji. "we're all very glad to have you as an addition on our team." genji took her hand reluctantly, not looking to create a scene. he shook hands with morrison and reyes as well, getting short welcomes from the both of them.

finally, jesse mcree stood up from his place next to amari and stuck out his hand. "ma' name's jesse mcree," he said, stepping close to genji. jesse was much taller than him, close to towering over genji. he winked before saying,  "it's a right pleasure to have you with us." genji narrowed his eyes before taking his hand. jesse shook it wildly, beaming at the smaller man.

"stop scaring him and take him to the bunks already, mcree." reyes exclaimed, gesturing out the door. the cowboy nodded, still smiling.

"sure thing, captn'." jesse said joyfully. the tone in which he spoke made it almost impossible for genji to decide if he was being sarcastic or not. not like genji was good at it when people are obvious anyways.

as they walked down the bright hallways, jesse did the one thing genji didn't want him to do; spark conversation.

"so, i hear you came here by choice huh?" jesse asked. genji didn't answer. "i don't see why you'd rather be here than anywhere else. this place isn't exactly heav'n." genji still didn't answer. they came to a brown door that had a small cowboy hat painted on the door.

"here you are, recruit. my bunk's the one on the left, you've got the right. bathroom's the door straight yonder." jesse said as genji walked in. "ill give you some time to settle 'n." jesse closed the door behind him.

genji sat down on the bed to the right. the mattress was soft, much softer than anything he's rested on in years. it reminded him of his bed at home when he was a boy.

genji shook those thoughts from his head. he laid flat on his back, staring at the ceiling.

he sighed quietly.

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