blackwatch: day twelve

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today was a big day for genji; his first mission with blackwatch started in fifteen minutes.

it was a simple extraction mission, mcree was paired with morrison and reyes to retrieve a data file that could be used for taking down a large pirate weapon dealing ring. genji and ana were left to stay in the hovertruck, which wasn't decided without plenty of arguing.

"what do you mean stay in the truck?" amari had practically screamed at gabe. "i'm the only healer here, what if you get hurt?"

genji tuned into their conversation from inside the truck. there was incoherent yelling from outside, until gabriel lowered his voice.

"god, amari, i want you to keep an eye on the recruit!" he said, hushing his voice as if genji wasn't already listening.

"i don't trust him!" he said quieter.

genji sighed, kicking the inside wall of the truck so the two soldiers outside became aware of his presence, the conversation outside stopping as amari and reyes realized genji could most likely hear them.

"get inside the truck and focus on our position when i give you the signal that we're starting our infiltration, and that's an order!" reyes said, a hint of guilt ringing in his voice.

suddenly, the truck doors swung open, and amari climbed in. she sat next to genji at the small makeshift control panel and started focusing on the group's location.

genji tuned out as amari did most of the work, talking to reyes and morrison and leading them through the mission. once reyes gave the signal, amari leaned back in her chair, her work done for the most part.

they sat in relative silence until amari broke the heavy quiet.

"what's it like?" she said, turning to genj. "what's it like living in a body like that?"

genji hesitated, caught off guard by her sudden question. he stared at the wall ahead of him as he though how to answer.

"sorry, i... i didn't mean to sound insensitive." amari added.

"don't apologize." he said, still looking ahead. "id rather you be honest than protect my feelings." he turned to his left, looking at the soldier next to him. "living like this... it isn't easy. it's mostly pain and cold and..." he paused, trailing off. "it's an uncomfortable life." he finished.

when he looked up, there were tears in ana's eyes. she fumbled with her hands as genji stared, his emotionless expression hinting at worry for the soldier.

the healer took in a shaky breath. "i may be a healer," she said, sighing as tears fell into her lap. "but i'm not as healthy as everyone assumes i am." she lifted up her sleeve, revealing a weak and veiny arm. "i'm going to need my arm removed in a couple of months, and i'm getting a cyborg replacement." she rolled her sleeve back down and looked up into genji's eyes. "i'm trying so hard to be strong, but... i'm scared, shimada."

genji sighed, looking down. "i've seen you fight, amari." he said, his voice low. "you're stronger than you think you are."

he looked back over to amari, who was wiping her eyes. she smiled at genji. "thank you shimada. that means a lot to me."

just as genji was about to welcome her, the holo-panels in front of them started flashing red, screaming alarms of distress at them.

"what's going on?" amari yelled over the alarms.

"we've got a lot more company than we expected!" morrison yelled into their earpieces. "we need backup and a healer, now!"

amari and genji looked at each other with mutual understanding.

"lets go save their asses."

blackwatch - a mcgenji fic Where stories live. Discover now