blackwatch: day six

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"alright, can everyone take a damn seat please?" gabriel reyes said, somehow exasperated at 8:34 in the morning. he had called a mandatory meeting, so jesse prepared for it to be boring as hell.

jesse watched genji from the bar sit down at the common table, stiff and uncomfortable. he couldn't blame him, though. jesse couldn't imagine a cyborg body being exactly comfortable.

jesse sat next to genji, avoiding the usual humorous small talk he would usually make. he imagined genji appreciated his silence.

ana amari took her place next to jesse, using her sniper rifle to balance herself as she tipped her chair. morrison had confiscated her ammunition for "combat only" after she shot a hole in the wall using her rifle to pick her teeth, so the rifle only contained blanks.

reyes started going on about battle strategies and working as a team, and that's about where jesse tuned out. just like he had prepared.

his mind wandered, from his mother to his gang back at home to genji. for some reason, the damn kid was on his mind almost constantly.

jesse had heard once that genji was privileged, heir to millions of dollars in riches involving his father and the japanese government. something had happened, thought. jesse didn't know much about it, but he knew it was ugly. that's why he had the cyborg body he had.

slamming on the table woke jesse from his trance. "mcree, i swear to god, if you don't pay attention i'm going to rip that tacky hat in two." reyes practically screamed across the common room table.

jesse sarcastically clutched his chest and looked to his right at ana amari before looking back to his supervisor. "commander reyes," he said, sarcastically over-dramatic. "th' mere thought of not payin' attention during yer obviously important meetings sends shivers down mah spine!" he exclaimed.

ana amari burst out in laughter, making jesse grin. gabriel reyes was not so amused.

"buzz off, mcree." morrison chimed in from the other side of the table.

"oh jack, you're no fun." ana sighed as she finally got a hold of herself.

genji simply spectated, not saying a word or showing any kind of emotion; staring directly ahead, not making a sound. jesse had hoped his sarcasm had struck any kind of reaction from him, but no luck.

"anyways, i guess that's all i have to say. you can all go back to your obviously important duties." reyes mocked.

jesse laughed, but as he stood up from the table, genji stood up and swiftly exited the room, having no intentions of sticking behind.

ana got up from the table. "man, is that kid ever gonna warm up?"

jesse sighed, watching the empty doorway. "i hope."

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