Peddie-Five years is a long time

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Patricia sat alone in her apartment thinking about her graduation day five years ago...

* flashback *

Patricia and Eddie walked out of Anubis house hand in hand carrying their suitcases."I love you"Patricia whispered in his ear.Eddie just stopped paralysed in place, he didn't know how he was going to tell her."yacker,I'm going to college in America"he said holding the taxi door ready to make a quick escape."what"she choked holding back the waterfall of tears that were about to fall."I'm sorry we I mean us has to end"he got in the taxi."goodbye Patricia"he said before closing the door and driving away.she just let the tears fall what was there left anyway.

* end of flashback *

She let the tears fall slowly down her cheeks, she hated him for that day and she always will.

The next morning Patricia woke up to a loud knock on her door. She groaned and stood up to open the door."what do you want?"she asked before opening her eyes properly to see who it was."nice to see you too!" Joy said stepping into her apartment."oh hi Joy"Patricia wiped her eyes and closed the door before walking over an sitting on the edge of the couch next to Joy."Have you heard?"Joy asked forgetting the awkward moment from before."Heard what?"Patricia asked."I will tell you later when you have cleaned up a little, meet me for breakfast at the pancake house across the road in half an hour, okay?"

"Sure"Joy got up and left leaving Patricia to get ready. She had a shower and then got dressed. She wore a pair of black jeans and a plain t-shirt with a jacket and she put her hair in side braid. 25 minutes later she decided to walk over for breakfast with Joy." Sorry about before Joy, you know better that anyone that I am not a morning person." Joy just laughed it off as if it were nothing, which it was and said it was okay."So before, I was about to tell you that Anubis house is having a weekend reunion." Joy said with a huge smile on her face."Yay"Patricia said sarcastically."aww come on I think it will be fun to see everyone again."

Suddenly Joy realised why she didn't seem that excited. She didn't want to see Eddie again."oh I'm sorry I know you don't-"Patricia cut her off abruptly.

"It's fine I'm over it, it's been five years for gods sake"

"Okay so still haven't spoken to him then"Patricia went silent just as a waitress came over. They ordered their food and drink they were left with a painfully awkward silence untilPatricia broke it."No and I don't ever want to really"

"You can't just avoid him for a full three and half days"

"I know it's just what do you say to the person who broke your heart and then left with a simple goodbye"

"I know what you mean"

"So how are things with you and Jerome"she asked changing the subject."Its great, well actually I wanted to ask you something"

"Ask away"

"Will you be my maid of honour?"

"OMG are you serious,your getting married"

"Yeah, so will you"

"Of course I will, but no pink"she said seriously, they both laughed at the absurd idea of Patricia in a puffy pink dress.After they had eaten they both left going their separate ways until Friday morning when they would meet with everyone else at Anubis house.

4 days later it was time to go to Anubis house.Patricia arrived up to Anubis house and walked inside to see everyone there except Nina, Fabian ,KT and Eddie."Hey Trixie"joy called from the couch."Hey so what's the gossip?"Patricia asked jokingly even though Amber still answered anyway."Me and Alfie are together and Mickra and Fabina and Jeroy are engaged, oh and Joy we will talk later about the planning, and willow has her boyfriend Adam and Keddie are together and then there is you"

"Ignoring that tone at the end, who are Keddie?"

"KT and Eddie, duh" Amber said, obviously without thinking. Patricia's stomach dropped, she suddenly felt really sick."I'll be right back"she said before rushing to the girls upstairs bathroom."Amber" Joy hissed.

"What did I do?" Then it hit her. "oh no"

"Yeah 'oh no'" Joy said sarcastically.

"Should I go-" Joy cut her off

"No i will go" she got up and went to the girls upstairs bathroom. She knocked gently on the door."Who is it?"Patricia said through tears, she was desperately trying to get rid of.

"Joy" Patricia got up and opened the door pulled Joy in and then closed it again."Are you okay?Even after Five years Amber is still a dumb blonde"

Patricia chuckled slightly before she replied "I can't do this Joy, I thought if he was on his own it would be okay but he is with KT who promised me she didn't have feelings for him and never would"

"You can't leave because then everyone will guess that is why"

"So what do I do?"

"Smile and act as everything is okay"

"Okay"Patricia smiled before getting up, fixing her make up and heading downstairs with Joy behind her."I was feeling a little sick, okay?" Patricia whispered to Joy before they reached the others. Joy nodded."Hey Patricia I'm sorry I forgot that-"Patricia stopped her "I just felt a little sick, it had nothing to do with that"


"Anyone here yet?!" Eddie called from the hallway."In here"Jerome called back."Smile, everything is okay" Joy whispered to Patricia.

Patricia kept on repeating those words in her head for comfort more than anything else. "Hey guys"KT said smiling, but in Patricia's opinion she was gloating.

"Hi" Patricia said smiling the best fake smile she could when really she just wanted to cry." Hey yacker" Eddie said. She just smiled before walking away to talk to nina."Hey Joy"Eddie said smiling an also fake smile."Eddie"she greeted glumly before following Patricia."The British"KT said from behind Eddie."What do you mean?"

"So rude"

"I think the complete opposite of that, I think they are sweet and cute and-" KT cut him off abruptly,

"Eddie your my boyfriend now so get over it"

"I don't want to" he whined

"Well you can't always have everything you want, can you!"she said before kissing him on the cheek and walking away. Patricia was on her way to her room when someone tapped her on the back. She swung around to see KT smiling at her." Can we talk please?"she asked sweetly.

"Sure I don't see why not, go ahead"

"In private"

"Okay" they both walked into Patricia's old room. KT slammed the door shut and walked over to Patricia."So what did you-"

"Stay away from Eddie!"

"Okay he is a jerk I wasn't planning on talking to him anyway!"

"Good" KT walked out of the room smirking.

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