Forgetting it

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I don't know what to do. I'm never usually one for panicking but Nina and Fabian are going to be heartbroken.


"Please tell me the baby is alright" I say frantically following the only English speaking nurse down the hallway. She turns and says "If you are not immediate family you are forbidden to any access of personal information." I sigh when a sudden though pops into my head. "I'm her step sister i'll have you know and I demand to know if my niece or nephew is alright" I say pulling my Amber facade on. "Well okay then. I regret to inform you that the baby did not make it, the angle that she landed in was most probably the cause. I must go now." she quickly scurried off down the hallway.
End of flashback

How can someone bear the weight of having to tell family members that the person who was brought in to be saved has gone? "Patricia please tell me she's okay, please" Fabian half yelled running down the corridor of the plain, white hospital. I take a sharp breath before shakily beginning the story of how I found Nina and then I told him the part I dreaded the most. "I'm so sorry" I say quietly after I had finished my longwinded explanation. I said that Nina is in her room and should be awake in the next hour before leaving feeling oddly guilty.
"Hey guys" I mumble sitting next to Eddie on the couch. I would've sat somewhere else but it's been a long day. After I had retold the story everyone said they were tired so they just headed up to bed and it then just left myself and Eddie. "It's my fault" I whisper. He suddenly pulls me into his warm embrace and I just let the tears fall. It's not just for Nina and her baby, but it's for everything that has made me sad over the years, when he hasn't been there to comfort me. "It was defiantly not your fault, you weren't even with her when she fell."
"But I should have been"
"You didn't know it was going to happen and even if you did, how could you have prevented it?"
"Thank you" I whisper sitting up gently. "For what?"
"Everything" I say before bidding goodnight and heading up to my room.

The next morning was quite depressing as no one knew what to say it nina just came in and was all....happy. Everyone tried to ask her if she was okay or if she wanted to lie down but she refused to answer or would just pretend she hadn't heard the question. Most people seemed fine with pretending to not recognise it's real or that it actually happened but others thought it was insensitive but kept their mouths shut, as they don't want to make her upset because fake happy is better than boxing everything up. I wasn't positive what to think. I think Nina should give herself time to grieve but not forget that we are here to help her not distract her. Although for the moment I think I will leave her be and see what she decides to do and if she needs advice everyone is here to help. "Right so Joy I have some questions, so that we can go and order certain things like napkins, flowers ect..." Amber said, huffing as she say down. "shoot" Joy said her voice was filled with excitement.
"What flowers do you want?"
"Red and white roses"
"What colour napkin?"
"Red with gold trim"
"No, I don't want one"
"Does it matter" I cut in. Everyone briefly laughs before Amber continues.
"3 layers. The 1st one should be chocolate and orange, the 2nd one should be vanilla and strawberry and the 3rd should be lemon and mango. It should be covered in gold fondant icing with shaped red roses on with a bride and groom on the top"
"It's perfect"
Seriously? I thought it sounded ridiculous. Obviously I didn't voice this opinion.
"I'm going to go find Eddie" I say but then I realise the fatality of my words. KT is sat right in front of me and she looks ready to kill.

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