Part 1

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You were waiting for a Skype call from your best friend, Seán McLoughlin, aka jacksepticeye. You were going to film a video with him later for your YouTube channel. You had just given up hope when you saw the incoming call pop up on your screen. Smiling, you clicked accept. "Hey Jackie!" you say, happy to see him. "Sup Y/N. Sorry I took so long, Signe needed my help with something."

You frown, hearing her name. You were happy that Jack had a girlfriend, but you didn't think she was good enough for him. You had some secret feelings for him aswell, making you despise her even more. "You okay Y/N?" You snap back into reality. "Yeah, just thinking." He nods. "So how's the weather?" you ask, trying to change the subject. "Bad as always. How's it for you?" "Perfectly sunny." "No fair!"

"Just come to America and live with me, the weather's amazing." He suddenly gets serious. "You know I can't, Y/N. Plus I have Signe living with me now." You mentally sigh. "Let's just start recording." "Sounds good." he responds, emotionless. It gets quiet as you both turn on all your recording equipment and open Don't Starve Together, not the most current game, but your favourite one by far.

"Seán!" you hear someone yell at his house. "Signe needs me, be right back." He gets up and leaves the room. You sit still, bored, waiting for him to return. "I'm sorry, Y/N, I gotta go." You frown. "Why?" "Signe wants to go out for dinner." "But we planned this a week ago." "I know, but she's mad at me and says we don't do enough stuff together." You sigh. "Okay." "I'm sorry." "It's fine. I'll just call Mark." He gives you a sad smile before hanging up.

You look through your Skype contacts for Mark. When you see him, you hit call. He answers pretty quickly. "Is it important?" he immediately asks. "No, it's just that Jack left me all alone and i'm bored. Are you busy?" "Kinda. Amy and I are watching a movie." "Oh, sorry." "It's cool. I'll call you back when it's over." "You don't have to." "I'm still gonna. And you need to get a boyfriend." "Not gonna happen. You couples are gross." He chuckles, before hanging up.

Now having nothing to do, you decide to edit some videos. You work for hours, until your head is pounding. Then you get that call from Mark. "Heyo." he greets you. "Sah dude." you say, making him burst into laughter. You talk with Mark for awhile, ignoring your headache, because it makes you feel happy to talk to someone.

"Oh, Jack's on. I'm gonna add him." Before you can say a word, Jack appears in the call. He looks a mixture of mad and sad. You then feel the pain of your headache hit you full force. "My head's killing me. I'm gonna go to bed. See ya guys." You hang up before either can object and close your laptop. You decide to go to bed now, even though it's still pretty early. You go straight to your room and fall in your bed, instantly falling asleep.

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