Breaking The Ice

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(Click Clack). The sound of the breaking ice. My dad was outside breaking the pond ice in our back yard. It was below zero today. There was white sugary snow on the top of our house. Only a couple days which are supposed to be spring

days, are now only fifty degree snow days. I bundled up in my blankets as the cold air from outside rushed into my room.

My dad was back inside. I'm sure he'd had enough ice picking today. I jumped out of bed, put a robe on, rushed downstairs and made him a nice warm rag. He was as red as a strawberry, and almost used a whole box of tissues. He sat down on the couch and I got him a nice warm fleece blanket, then turned on his favorite show.

"Thank you Norine." He grinned and have me a hug. He was really cold. I got chills as he wrapped his arms around me. I didn't bother giving him a kiss or my lips would freeze. I giggled by the thought of it.

My dog ran over jumped on the couch and plopped himself on my dad's lap. He started barking and his tail was wagging as fast as a humming birds wings. "Gunther's happy to see you!" I smiled and started petting Gunther.

My mom has been on the computer typing up a work report upstairs close to my room. She doesn't have much time to play with me. I look though the window. You don't even know where the horizon is because of how cloudy and snowy it is. I really wanted to go outside and play but it was really too cold. Gunther can't even go outside to do his business anymore cause the backyard door is frozen shut. Good thing we have a pad.

A couple of days later, the weather slowly started to warm up but it still felt like winter with the pond still freezing and inches of snow on the ground.

I looked though the window and I see a white figure that looks just like me but is white and floating just outside. I lifted up my arm. It lifted the same one up. It was like a reflection, but a real one. I stood there looking straight into her eyes. I got goosebumps, rubbed my eyes and she was gone. What was that? I was confused.

To get my mind off of it, I played with Gunther and my I Phone. Though, the more I did that, the more I thought of the reflection. Was it a ghost, a girl, a shadow, or just my plain imagination?

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