Icy Water

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Hours of training later...

I was worn out. I'm sure my dad and mom were worried sick!

"Nori I have to go I'm sure my parents are worried. Or wondering."

"Ok well you did good today just keep practicing those things I told you. And be careful as well."

I stepped out of the portal. Opened my bedroom door and went downstairs. My dad was on the couch and my brother was playing with Legos.

"What have you been doing up there? Aren't you thirsty or hungry? It's almost lunch!" my dad said.

"I was just writing stories, calling my friends,---"

"Yeah yeah alright. Do you want lunch?"

"Yes. I'm hungry."

"What do you want?"

"Chicken nuggets."

I walked over to the couch and turned on my favorite show. I sat there for 15 minutes then my lunch was ready.

"What do you want to drink?"


My dad came over with my nuggets and water. I put the cup up to drink but it turned to a slushy. I forgot to take off the necklace. I ran upstairs took it off, put it in the box before my dad could see, then I chugged the slushy down in a couple jugs.

"BRAIN FREEZE!!!!" My voice echoed through the halls.

"Wow.". my dad went to get me more water.

"Are the flowers or trees blooming yet? Or at least going to?"

"Barely. It is still better cold. All this week and next week it is slowly going to get warmer."

I stood up, took my plate over to the sink, picked up my phone and plopped myself onto the couch. My dog came and sat right beside me after eating my leftover chicken nugget. He'll wait by the trash can to see if we drooped any goodies for him.

Hours passed. It was seven and my mom should be coming home now. Eventually I herd the garage door open.

"Hi sweetie!" my mom said as she walked through the door, her hands full with work stuff.

"Hi mom!". I ran up to give her a hug, then helped her with her stuff.

She told me to take a shower and get to bed cause it was getting late.

After the shower I got in my PJs and went into bed. It was a long night.

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