IV. Unconditional

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This love I bring you is unconditional...

A tug of war and its push and pull

Don't think, don't doubt. Just feel

I want you to know that this is real

This love I bring you is unconditional...

Sleepless days; Countless starts to mull

Blemishes you see will be note-worthy

But is it worth the leaves in risk of the tree?

This love I bring you is unconditional...

It can be like wrestling with a bull

Let go of any voices which result in hate

For exists this game aptly called fate

This love I bring you is unconditional...

Days of confusion, plain and dull

As for an honest foe to its victim

Cake to be eaten so we get some

This love I bring you is unconditional...

Wake up to escape from quiet and lull

No worries, no cries, end this fasting

Accepting you is one in everlasting

This love I bring you is unconditional...

Like trust ensued to an eager bedel

A lock and a key is all that you really need

For every beautiful thing starts with a seed

This love I bring you is unconditional...

Inside you lies true, great potential

Beneath the skin, it's unconventional

This empty jar brimmed to its full

This love I bring you is unconditional...

The heart is overflowed and now full

For you, I carry this heavy raging storm

For me, be free and learn to keep warm.  

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