chapter 4

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It was almost the end of summer, and I would have to go back to Pickens to finish my 8th grade year. I broke up with Lewis for the guy I broke up with during the summer to go out with Lewis. I regretted that. Gary was a great guy, but every time we played truth or dare with Adrian and Barry I would somehow always end up with these marks on my arm from him. I had broke up with Gary like two months into the school year, and we were just friends.

       I had realized that Lewis was better then Gary by a long shot. By the time I came home that weekend Lewis was mad. No he wasn't mad he was hurt. I had hurt him when I broke up with him. It took what felt like forever to get him back. We argued for two days straight before he took me back. I told him, " I know u got hurt when I broke up with you this summer for Gary, and I'm sorry for that, but I promise I will never hurt you again on purpose."

      When I said that he immediately replied with a smile and said, " Okay, I'll give you one more chance." I thought to myself, " Yay, I did it. He took me back. " I dated Lewis until something happened with my sisters uncle Franny, and my mom let me move in with her to finish out my school years.
        After a few weeks at my new school this boy named Eli was in my gym class, and he came up to me, and asked if I wanted to date him. I didn't know what to say because I was dating Lewis and this really hot guy had asked me out. When Lewis came over that day I told him about what had happened. He asked me, " Who makes you happiest?" I didn't know how to respond, so out of stupidity I said, " Eli." Lewis sadly dropped his head and left.

       I didn't know what to say to him that night, but to keep our streak on Snapchat I just sent a black background. He replied two hours later with a sad face. I couldn't do it, so I told him, " If it doesn't work out with me and Eli I will date you again, but only if you'll take me back. He didn't respond, but he left me on open.

     A few days later, he rode by and saw me outside, and I don't know what went on in his mind, but he just kept going. Honestly that made me almost cry, but my mom said he wasn't worth crying over.
Of coarse with me being the way I was I cried anyway. It may have been when he finally responded on Snapchat saying, " As long as your happy, I will do what ever it takes."

    I didn't know what to reply so I just played it off like I was already asleep. The next morning I replied, "Sorry, I fell asleep before I could reply." I know that was a lie, but I didn't know what to respond to him. About two hours later he responded with, " Oh. Ok." I went on about my business with all my chores and things the next thing I know he's pulling in my drive way.

     Mom yells at me. She usually wouldn't have yelled at me, but I was listening to music, and washing dishes, when he pulled up.

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