China Town

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“I knew your idea would go nuts!” Mr. Tipple said.
“What do you want to expect, Mr.? It’s the best she could do!” Sophia tried to ‘dramatically’ be on my side.
“Well, I know, Mr. Tipple. It’s my fault I didn’t get that guy. But I WILL find him!” I had some hope.
“Guys, just get to work now. I’ll try taking from her, the whereabouts of Giuseppe Alighieri.” Said cap.
“Gossip what?” I asked
“The guy called Gutler.”
“That guy’s Italian?” said Robin.
“Yup. But he’s in China, Shanghai right now.”
“What is an Italio doing in China?” said some Spanish voice.
“Who are you?” I asked the guy, who seemed to be as old as me.
“I am Fabrizio. I am Spaanees. My mother is Italio, and father Spaanees. They call me Amigo!” he seemed to be a cheerful guy.
“Good. So what are you doing here?”
“No-thing. Just have no work to do, so just sitting.”
“Spanish?” asked Sophia.
“You from Newark?” he asked.
“Yup Spanish.” I answered Sophia.
“Come on Fabrizio, are you gonna help us anyway?” went Sophia.
“What help?!” I thought he was throw up on Sophia’s face.
“Find the Italio.” I said.
“Italio? That is wonderful.”
I think that was in his dreams (meeting an Italio).
The ship CERTAINLY turned route to China. Not exactly ‘the’ ship, but our route ship.
We headed round Labrador, and then through the strait near Rigolet. “We’re in for 57 hours from now.” I told captain.
“Well done, Ashlin, you’re all-trained.” He said, giving me a pat on the back.
“Ashlin is a boy name.” said Fabrizio.
“It’s a girl name too.” I said. “I’m a girl. Right?”
“I was just saying.” He admitted.
“Captain!” I called.
“What’s up, son?”
“I think it’ll take 62 hours. We gotta cover a longer distance.”
“Where to, son?”
“Happy Valley. There’s an airport.” I said. “Goose Bay.”
“It’ll be in for 46 hours, then.” Said cap. “Shanghai, not long!”
“How are we supposed to get him?” asked Neeta.
“He lives in Shanghai, in an old clubhouse.”
“Easy.” I said. “Get all those clubhouses.”
“Wrong.” Said Mr. Tipple. “He keeps on moving.”
“We gotta be dressed up.” Suggested Ashwin.
Roughly, it took a few more hours than we thought. Finally, we reached Shanghai. I was bored, the whole of the journey. Neither did the game work; Isabelle was in a bad mood. But I had my laptop. I wasn’t that bored. It’s a fluctuating decision. I can’t wait on for a particular thing.
I typed along all of my experiences. And future ones to be typed in the future.
Shanghai. Arrived at last. Dismounted at the airport. Carried the luggage to the room booked. The room was booked in area near the suspect’s place, in a hotel called ‘China Town’. I’ve seen a dump of hotels named the same. This one was filled with gamblers. Eddie and Isabelle were experts in make-up.
Both of them helped in making ‘little eyes’. Every morning was Sherlock Holmes’ breakfast. I supposed we were kiddie Sherlock Holmes.
“Z!” which was cap’s name. “I found a rat.”
“Good. Capture it.” He said.
‘Rat’ was the name for Gutler. “Ni zhidao ma Gutler?” Robin asked one of the men gambling in the hall. 
“Ta zai na bian.” He pointed over to a man watching a movie in a room alone.
“Ni queding?” that meant ‘Are you sure?’.
“Shi.” The man replied.
“Ni shi Gutler?” Robin tried. I knew the man would react harshly.
“HOW MANY TIMES DO I TELL YOU I DO NOT UNDERSTAND CHINESE!!!” the man went furious. He boiled like lava.
“I didn’t know you understood English.” I said.
“Are you new?” he asked, expecting a ‘no’.
“We are from Germany!” I said. “Tourism?”
“Tourism. I see. New tourists. Sit down and relax kids.” He said quite calmly.
“You live in Berlin?”
“Yes.” Said Robin.
“Well, kids, what are you doing here near me?”
“Our parents went missing.” I said in a sorrowful tone.
Fabrizio sprang out of nowhere. “Hello, Italio!” he said.
“Not again.” I whispered.
“He’s never gonna die.” Said Robin.
“I am these kids big brother, Italio.” Said Fabrizio.
“How do you know I’m Italian?” Gutler asked.
“Your name, Gutler!”
“Who told you my name?”
“Uh…that guy over there!” Fabrizio pointed to an old man, serving people.
“Phew!” he went.
Sophia took action. She crept from behind, without letting any of his bodyguards notice (who I forgot to mention), and stabbed him with a blunt dagger. The guy was hefty, but he fell of conscience. His bodyguards rushed, but we had an army ready. A few minutes the bodyguards could be seen being dragged along the road, to our car. The guy and his bodyguards were taped out, and Mr. Tipple called a warrant.

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