Am I?

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Well, that ‘little’ adventure gave us a big party. We were offered one thousand dollars. And there was a grand party that night.
Dear reader, the story ain’t over this is just the half. Please keep on reading. Thank you.
Before all that I was on the dock standing near the mast. A girl with her sister and the little boy I saw in the car came over to talk.
“It’s grateful of you that you save our lives. We had no idea someone would come as god in the middle of our vacation.” Said the girl.
“Yeah, thanks for all that, but don’t be so thankful. It’s just that you guys were aboard the car to help out.” I said, naturally.
“What’s your name, brave one?” asked her sister.
“Ashlin. Ashlin Radcliffe. How about you?”
“I’m Neeta. This is Ashwin. And our little cousin, Akshay.” She said.
“They’re hosting some party tonight. Would you like to try our dresses for it?” asked Ashwin.
“Of course, it’s my pleasure.” I replied swiftly. “But I have a friend, who has helped me out, and without her you wouldn’t have offered these dresses.
She giggled. “I like your talent.” She expressed.
In her room, me and Sophia tried swapping all types of dresses. Sophia hurriedly put on some dress which was otherwise awesome. She liked a green, open backed, evening gown.
I was like, “Seriously?”
She smiled and left off. I think what I picked was better off.
An evening gown, completely lavender, with hand gloves, and a rock hat with open stripped high heels was what I chose. To top that I got my hair styled, in a back curled bun. I think that was awesome.
I was down in the party of the riches, feeling awkward. Sophia got used to it because she was one of them. To not the scene a circus, I went over and talked to Ashwin.
“So, who is she of yours?” Ashwin asked pointing to Sophia, who was beside me.
“Umm….she’s my best friend?” I stammered.
“Am I ?” Sophia tried to take me over.
“Of course you are!” This certainly ended with a frown.
“That’s nice!” said Neeta, rather cheerfully.
Sophia dragged me over to a corner. “Listen, girl. That’s not fair. First you make me your sister’s doll. Then you claim me your servant. And now you declare me your best friend! What am I supposed be?”
“Chill out, kid. Be what you want to be. And one thing, I never told you were my minion.” I was cool.
The cruise finally reached Florida. It was the final destination for docking. This little cruise passed over Orlando, in three days.
All, the time I was bored. I had to be on duty as the Sub-Navigator. I was chosen for navigation, of course. Sophia was fuel manager. She was responsible for everything that would happen in the boiler room.

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