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"Archie, can you meet your sister and I downstairs?" Dad asked Archie as I walked outside and sat on the edge of the patio. Archie and Dad soon joined me.
"With all these divorce papers mumbo jumbo to be done, we should be behind this by the end of the week."
"Are you only going to see mom now because you and Hermione Lodge-" Archie started.
"No." Dad shook his head. "That's just us being together, working together."
"In that case then why finalise things now." Archie said and I shook my head. Mom and Dad clearly want to hurry up and finalise things.
"Sometimes son, you just rip the bandaid off." Dad said getting up with his suitcase.
"Or you can try and fix things."
"We're past that point Archie."
"We spoke to mom last week, she didn't mention any of this dad." Archie said pulling me into this. I stood behind him the whole time. I just wanted us to move on. I was sick of the fighting, and Archie knew that.
"Your mom moved out two years ago. She didn't tell you because she wanted me to be the barer of bad news."
"What if I came with you?"
"What? And leave (Y/N) here alone by herself. There's a killer on the loose Arch. This is between me and your mom." He paused. If there's a killer why aren't you staying here with us. "I'll check in." He said and walked down the stairs and left.

After Archie and Betty left Veronica in the common room, I took Betty aside.
"Can I speak to you privately Betty?" I asked her and Archie raised his eyebrow at me.
"Oh come on. I know all your secrets." Archie teased and I rolled my eyes. That's not true.
"We're gonna speak about period stuff." Betty butted in.
"Really? Then I'm out." Archie chucked. I shook my head.
"Betty, you may or may not know this. But it's Jugheads birthday." I told her.
"What? And he didn't say anything." She asked shocked as we walked down the hall. "Yep, you can tell her. Bye." Archie said and scurried away.
"It's tomorrow and he doesn't like making a big deal about it. Every year he goes to a double feature at the cinema, it's like a tradition. Last few years, Archie and I were his movie buddies. But now that he has a girlfriend." I nudged her with my elbow.
"Well of course I'll take him. But you should still come with us."
"No way. I don't wanna be a third wheel."
"Come on. It'll be like old times."
"The four musketeers." I hummed.
"Actually (Y/N), there were five musketeers."
I laughed as we reached my class. "I'll see ya later Betty."
"Okay." She went off to class.

"...Jugheads never had a birthday party before." Betty exclaimed to the four of us as I walked over. Archie and I nodded.
"That's true."
"Let's have one for him." Betty suggested. "A low key surprise party."
"Good one (Y/N). You just had to tell her." Archie said and I rolled my eyes once more and looked at Reggie and winked at him from across the room.
"That's a fantastic idea." Veronica said full with glee.
"He doesn't like his birthday."
"Everyone says that but they don't mean it." Kevin said.
"Jughead is a lone wolf."
"Okay, ignoring the negativity. Betty, you know me, any excuse to wear a cute party dress-"
"So I'm thinking a quaint gathering. Inner circle only."
"Oh my god. Don't turn around." Kevin said. None of us listened to Kevin and we all turned our backs to who he was talking about. Kevin said some comment about Chucks body.
"What Chuck Clayton doing back?"
"He got suspended not expelled." I said to Archie and he leaned over and flicked my temple. "Ouch!" I groaned.
"Oh my god." Veronica said scared as Betty got up to speak to Chuck. A minute later she came back. And huffed as she sat down acting like nothing happened over at Ethel and Chucks table. "Look what I can and can not control is fine. But I want my boyfriend to have the best birthday of is life."
"Screw it. I'm with Betty." Archie said gave up. "Our dads away, we can do it at my house." Archie suggested. You've just dug yourself a huge whole Archie. "I think we can all use a good time."
"Yes. Now you're talking my language."
"It's going to be epic."

I was helping Archie set up decorations for Jugheads surprise party. I'm telling you now, he's gonna hate this. Archie's phone began to ring and he put it on speaker. 
"Hey Dad. What's up?" Archie asked. "Hey Dad." I cheered in the background.
"Just checking in. I felt bad that we didn't talk more-"
"Yeah, you kinda shut me down dad." Archie sai snaking it awkward.
"Have you seen mom yet?" I asked clearing the tension.
"No we're gonna have dinner but-"
"But what?" Dad sighed. I could tell he didn't want to speak to Archie with this time and attitude.
"Be best decided that, tomorrow morning, with the lawyers-"
"Right. Cause things are so bad you can't talk without a mediator." Archie stopped. "I've gotta go dad. Bye." Archie put his phone down and headed over to Dads not so secret alcohol stash.
"No (Y/N)." He shouted. "You're doing this with me. We're a team."

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