chapter three

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Luke POV

I slides off my arm from Ashton's back where I hugged him, getting off bed and seen Jeanale closing the door quietly. What does she wants?

"What are you doing here?" Giving her the dirty look. I don't want her here giving Ashton some flashback because obviously Ashton doesn't want to go back in time and be hurt again by her stupid little playing games.

"I came to see Ashton of course before I go"

Go? Where is she going? She's not even going to bother helping Ashton and fix his heart?

"Why? He doesn't want to see your face if he even remembered who you were." I just wanted to push her off to the door and slam the damn door in her face. She really deserves it.

"I like it that way. I don't want Ashton to remember me because I'm a terrible person and I shouldn't-" she was cut off by her tears filling her eyes. Her eyes were about to break down. "-I shouldn't be remembered at all. I was Ashton to be happy with someone. I wish him luck" & with that she walked pass me while I was drifting to a thought were she actually meant what she actually said.

She walked towards Ashton who was sleeping deeply and breathing calmly. He sleeps like an angel which was something we both thought it was adorable. Jeanale tears started to fall down, planting them on the soft white blanket Ashton was using.

"I'm such a terrible person," she whispers to herself which I couldn't barely hear it.

"Yeah, you definitely are" I agreed. She did destroyed him and cause him to lose his memory. Was this something Ashton wanted to do? Forget about her and never know who she is?

She looked at me with furious eyes which they don't bother me at all. Someone had to say it, right? "I wasn't even talking to you," she looked away from me and say next to Ashton, pats his hair slowly and brushes it after. I just want to grab her and kick her out! Why is she being all sweet to him? Wasn't she on her way to leave this town? I couldn't control myself. Ashton doesn't deserves this piece of moment with the person who destroyed him completely in little bits of pieces.

"You know-" she says, keeps brushing her fingers through Ashton's messy hair which looks like he hasn't showered in two days, the grease was showing already. "I really loved him, but I don't know what made me stop being truthful to him.." her voice sounded like she wanted to cry.

" heart and head were messing with me, and I just ran off from him.." I don't believe a thing she said but I just nodded.

"...he loved me and everything he could to show he cared but I blew it off for us" she was sobbing next to Ashton, siting on the edge of the bed brushing his hair to the back again and seen Ashton wiggled his nose like he was having bad dreams.

Jeanale looked at him weirdly and looks at me "did he heard me say this- oh my I have to go now," Jeanale stood there and then out of no where Ashton wakes up and sits up with his hands pressing the mattress " I was worthless? Y-you left me because I wasn't enough-h?" His eyes were filling with tears so I comfort him by hugging him but he pushes me away still feeling angry inside him. I couldn't watch this anymore I had to stop it. "Ashton please just calm down it's over, move on!"

"NO! She BROKE ME! I LOVED her. I WANTED her to be MINE and FAITHFUL!" He yelled the obvious words he wanted Jeanale to hear.

"It's like midnight already guys please just stop it!" I just wanted Ashton to have a peaceful night but this went down hill..

"Yeah you were worthless and weak back in those days that's why I cheated but now I've figured out that you're not those things you're caring and lovable and I lost that person in my life.. Well I have to go. I'm moving out of London anyways so you won't see my face ever again-" she looks down and walks to the door leaving Ashton speechless at her words.

He cries his tears out letting them hit the bedsheets and rubbing his back slowly to calm him down.

I hugged him closely and whispers cute things to calm him down. His head lowers down and sobs harder "I-I'm w-worthless?"

"No Ashton you're not. She's a dumbass and doesn't hears her words coming from.. Wait, is your memory back?!" Looks at Ashton with surprised "a little but now that she reminded me.."

I nodded.

"Go to sleep I'm very tired. She's gone now, you won't see her again" hugging him tightly next to me. We covered up in the bedcovers and slowly we drifted to sleep, and having him in my arms was the best feeling ever





Morning hits and I just felt lazy to get up from the bed. I snuggled close to Ashton, breathing his hair that had the shampoo smell but was about to run out since he haven't showered. I blew on his ear maybe he could've woken up. I felt his body move which means he's awake now

"Get up Ashton, you need to shower,"

"I don't wanna, I'm lazy.." He moves around to face me. His smile was weakly. Still sad what Jeanale had told him.

"Get up now," I got up and tried to get him up as well.

"Fine.." He gets up and tried to walk the bathroom that was connected to the room. He enters the bathroom and turns the water on. I joined him to see if he was really getting into the shower. We're boys so there's nothing to be a shame when we have the same parts.

He took off the hospital gown socks and boxers and enters into the shower.

"I'll be here outside waiting."

"Okay, just don't leave me yet.." He says with a sad tone.

"I won't" close the door behind me and waited for him in the bed silently just thinking what made Ashton remembered what Jeanale has told him last night.





A few minutes later passed. Ashton changed back to fresh new underwear and socks and back to his hospital gown, and he comes out of the restroom with messy wet hair.

"I needed this" he says with a cheeky smile.

"Duh if I didn't told you, you've been like that for serval more days" I said, giggling and hear him giggle with me.

"Yeah, practically I would stuck anyways" he sat next to me. Both if us were silence for a while just leaving our thoughts talking to us and make us think more than we should.

I broke the silence now "I really have to go to work, Ashton."

"I know... I wish you could've stayed here protecting me. I like it when you're here..." His smile disappears. "I thought about you last night..."


He's joking right?

Thinking about me?

Oh my..

"You were?" I said. My face was surprised to hear this from Ashton because I know for sure it isn't something he likes. You know, liking people as love. As far as I know Ashton isn't the type of guy to like other guys. He's been dating girls for his whole life what makes him like guys now?

"Yeah.. I don't know, your eyes are doing tricks on me." He scoots over closer to me, without moving his eyes off me I felt his hand.

"I-I like you.." He says


(A/N): my teacher just caught me!


Ashton will be having voices on his head next chapter of what Jeanale said to him

Just a little sneak peek. Lol

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