chapter two

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Ashton was rushed to the hospital with his pal Luke, he was crying all the way to the hospital thinking he already lost his friend. Luke doesn't knows that Ashton really just lost his memory.

Luke was siting impatiently on those cold blue chairs waiting for the doctor to come out of the surgery room. until the doctor finally came out with a clipboard in his hands and Luke quickly came off his chair

"Is he going to be okay?" Luke nervously asking the question

"I have bad news and good news for you," staring into Luke's pale face. He certainly didn't wanted to know the bad news all he wants is to make sure Ashton was going to be fine. "Give me the good news first,"

"The good news is that Ashton is still in good condition, but not so much" giving Luke a hint on the bad news "wait- what do you mean not so much? Did he broke a leg or arm? I don't know what that means?"

"Mr. Luke, your friend Ashton lost half of his memory, which means he doesn't know the basics. Like where his house is or what type of car he has or have, he can still remember the past. Possibly" with that Luke made a blank face a face he feels shocked and doesn't know what to say.

"How did this happened?!" Giving the doctor an angry face. He doesn't believes any word the doctor says. This must be a big joke he's pulling. "It's the truth. Ashton hit his brain cells very hard on the steeling wheel and half of his body got out of the vehicle and landed on the base." & with that Luke sat down slowly not even paying attention to the doctor as he continues to explain.

Everything just got blurry around him and only leaving him with his thoughts.


Luke enters Ashton's room with a blank face just seen Ashton all messed up which Luke's heart sunk when he saw Ashton how he looks right now. He grabbed the chair that was by the hospital bed, staring at Ashton without looking away. His sadness grew bigger with puffy red eyes, trying not to cry.

He took Ashton's hand and rubs it gently with his thumb while his lips apart from each other "Ashton?" his voice cracks a bit from the sad tone he's now getting

"I know you're asleep, but I just want you to give me a signal that you're okay?" With that Ashton's eyes slowly opens, looks like he has lazy eyes. Made him look dizzy with all the surgery he had few hours ago. He's been recovering for a while.

"Who are you? W-where am I?" He looks around confused and he looks back at his feet. Ashton has completely lost some of his memory. Luke doesn't really know that. "I'm Luke, Luke Hemmings? Your best friend and brother" Ashton remembers now and smiles weakly "oh yeah, hey Luke, where am I again"

"You're in the hospital. You had an accident" Luke tries to explain simple, not let Ashton remembered what happened 24 hours ago.

"Oh.." he sighs

"Yeah, you drove too fast and the cops tried to stop you but you went too fast on them and you weren't paying attention to the road and... you crashed," Ashton nodded everything that Luke has said and looking down on his feet

"Do you remember anything before this happened?" Eyeing him for a response, Ashton shakes his head "what happened," he asks Luke

"I don't know, I tried to called you but you didn't answered,"

"I don't even remember what I was doing.. The last thing I remember I was arriving to someone's house," he looks at Luke with a innocent face. He has no idea what really happened to him

Voices // (Lashton)Where stories live. Discover now