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4. Harry.

"Louis? What're you doing?"

"Hm? Oh, Liam thought he could beat me at chess," he replied.

"Oh, I see." Chess was our game. Only Louis and I played it together. Or so I thought.

I walked through the grocery store aisles and looked for some condensed milk. Yesterday sucked. Louis and I hardly fought, and we fought twice within the same week. It was bad, but we were over it. I smiled as I heard "More Than This" come on the radio in the store. It was probably my favorite song.

"When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight - it just won't feel right, cause I can love you more than this. Y-eah." It was just a good song. I smiled bigger as Louis's solo came on. My smile faltered as I remembered the way he held me last night. All these gay remarks just got me imagining life as though Louis was gay. I kept picturing us in a relationship...but if he was gay, would he even be with me? If he was with a girl then I would understand. He's straight, that's why he's not with me. Though if he was gay and was with another guy, then that would seriously hurt. It would mean he didn't like me in that way, that there was a flaw about me.

I grabbed the rest of my groceries quickly and checked out. I went home and put the groceries away.

"What did you get me?" Louis asked, entering.

"Absolutely nothing," I replied. "Hey Lou?"

"Yeah?" He grabbed a spoon and took a pudding out of my hand.

"If you were gay, would you date me?"


"Would you?"

He looked into his pudding cup. "Well, I don't know. Would you want to date me?"

"Of course. You're my best mate, but since you're not gay I can't see you in that way. If you were, then yeah."

"Well, yeah I guess I would. You're my best friend. It'd be easier than having to find the perfect girl if I was gay or if you were a girl." He sighed. "It'd be a hell of a lot easier."

I smiled. Damn. Heaven forbid he can be gay.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I dunno. I just didn't think you would. I mean, if you were gay and you didn't want to date me then I'd be devastated."

"Well, don't worry. I'd date you."

"Good." I smiled at him, but he was looking off. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He threw the pudding cup away and said, "I'm gonna go shower and then I plan on going to see my mum alright?"

"Alright. When will you be back?"

"Later at night, around eight."

"Okay. No later."

He went upstairs and bathed as I cooked myself some tamales. He came back downstairs in just a towel and I avoided looking at his muscular body. "What should I wear?" I asked.

"It's your mum, does it matter?"

"You've met my mum. If I look like trash she'll ask why I couldn't get all dolled up to see her."

I smirked. That's his mum alright. "I don't know. You have the best fashion sense. You'll find something."

He took a soda from the fridge and then went back upstairs, whistling. He came back down in his spiffy outfit, looking incredible as usual. "I'll see you later," he said - and then he kissed me on the cheek and walked out the door. He kissed me on the cheek. He. Kissed. Me. Why the hell would he do that?

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