Chapter 24

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Legend for dialogues:
Normal - Korean
Italicized - English
Bold - Filipino/Tagalog


"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier," I mumbled to them.

"I didn't know you would be like this here," Vernon joked as we entered one of their hotel rooms.

Like usual, we all lounged, some being on the floor while the others sat on the couch.

"You're not very close to your friends, are you?" Jeonghan said with a sad smile.

"Not really. They would say I'm always MIA and I'm only close to Andie, Reine, and Mark. But of course, Mark is still pretty wild so he'd rather spend time with the others," I responded.

"Well, I do hope everything turns out fine between you and Mark," Seungcheol said as he pat my head, pretty much like your usual dad friend.


During the rest of the weekend, I wasn't able to see the boys at all. They would text me and send selcas, but we weren't able to meet up because of their busy schedules. Of course, they had a concert going on so that was their priority.

Monday came, and I went to school in clothes more different than I usually wear. It wasn't my typical random shirt, joggers, and Converse which became my trademark outfit in college.

But since I had to go to the Seventeen concert right after, I decided to fix myself a bit. I had a black crop top, a plaid skirt, knee high socks, and high-heeled boots. Professors never really cared if we dressed up in pajamas for school. As long as another student doesn't report you, then there shouldn't be a problem.

I tied my hair into twin braids and wore glasses, just for the look. I saw a few of Jihoon's pictures with him wearing glasses, so I thought it would be nice. Though, I wasn't sure if he actually needed them.

I made my way to the cafeteria since that was where we would usually wait before our first class. Some of my blockmates were already there, but I wasn't close to most of them. Thankfully, the three girls I always hang out with arrived early today.

I quietly sat beside Aica, the girl who loved K-Pop. She was on her laptop, scrolling through Tumblr with her headphones on. In front of me was Jay, who was also on her laptop. She was the loud one when it comes to K-Pop, and also had her headphones on. The difference is that she was singing out loud without even saying the words right or being in tune. Beside her was Lyn, the girl who was absolutely in love with make up and was bent on bashing K-Pop whenever she can.

"Are you going to a party or something?" Lyn asked as soon as she saw me.

"I'm actually going to Solaire later for a concert," I replied as I pulled my phone out to send a text to Jihoon.

"What concert?" Jay asked as she took her headphones off. Aica also followed, probably curious as to what we were talking about.

"Seventeen," I simply said,

"Oh! I've heard some of their songs. I don't like Vernon though. No offense, because I didn't think you would be a fan," Aica told me.

"Why don't you like Vernon?" I asked her, placing my phone down, suddenly interested on what she has to say about my best friend.

"He was really arrogant in Show Me The Money even though he's not that good of a rapper," Aica explained.

"Show me!" I suddenly demanded.

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