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Arias POV
I quickly run to my 3 and a half year old daughters bed and look down to see her wailing.
I've heard of the terrible two's but I never thought terrible three's was a thing!

"Your ok Kin's" I say trying to comfort my crying daughter, I sit down and rock her in my arms.

"Mama wheres daddy?" She questions,
For only being 3 and a half years old she speaks fluently.

I mean what can you expect from a kid who is the child of a teacher?

I decide to walk downstairs to feed Kinsley. I quickly make eggs, which happens to be her favorite!

I make a face while spooning some eggs into my mouth, then receiving a giggle from my delighted almost 4 year old daughter.

"Oh Kinsley Grey what would I do without you?" I joke tickling her stomach.

"Now let's go to Auntie Spencer's"
I say helping her out of her seat and out the door to the car.

"Alecia!" Kinsley screams as we walk through my best friends door, I cover my ears "don't yell in the house!" I tell her sternly.

"Sorry mommy" she replies looking as if she was about to cry, I gaze in her blue eyes and realize how much they remind me of Ezra's.

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