New Friend

705 33 17

Decided to move these up in the chapters because why not.

As I stood beside Megatron, I heard the doors to the bridge open and a clicking could be heard. Groaning internally, I turned ready to lash out at Starscream when I seen a femme. A Seeker one at that. Her chassis was a rose gold color with thin blue and red streaks around her armor. Her faceplate was smooth, round, with bright beautiful violet optics. Her wings splayed behind her in a surprised way, themselves a beautiful mix of rose gold and purple. To be honest. She looked gorgeous.

"Does Starscream have a sister?" I said head tilting to look at Megatron. Megatron slowly looked over and down at me then looked back and literally jumped five feet in the air.

"Sire?" I raised an optic ridge. (is that what they're called?)

"E-EmberRose??" Megatron stuttered looking at the femme. EmberRose was looking at me. And I at her.

"Sire? Who are you exactly?" She said hand on her hip plating.

"Leostar." I said holding my servo out. "It's. A long story though."

She smiled taking my hand. "I'd love to hear it sometime."

We looked to Megatron who was still slackjawed and snickered. He composed himself and stared at EmberRose.

"I didn't think you would meet so soon." He murmured rubbing his neckplates. I laughed setting my datapad down and walked beside EmberRose.

"How come I haven't seen you around before?" I said walking by her as she walked out.

"I've just gotten to Earth." She smiled hugging my arm. "It's so good to have another femme around. Airachnid didn't sit well with me."

"Yea. I didn't really like her either. Especially after Breakdown."

"Breakdown?" She said looking to me. "What of Breakdown? Is he alright?"

I turned my gaze biting my lip and shook my helm.

"N-no. He's. He's gone."

I heard a gasp and felt her servo leave mine.

"I need to find Knockout." She said taking off. I stopped in my tracks and blinked. Knockout? Why?

EmberRose P.O.V

I barreled into the Med-bay and head straight to an adjoining room.

"Knockout?!?!?!" I called, instantly hearing the clang of something falling to the ground. Suddenly I heard footsteps running toward me. I stepped back watching as my cherry red lover ran in.

Shock, pure unfiltered shock registered in his face plates as he took me in. Coolant welled into his eyes, a shuddering breath escaped his lips. Oh those lips. How she's missed them.

"EmberRose." Her name on his lips were like music to her audio receptors as they embraced. "My Seeker.

"I've missed you so much Knockout."

"And I you. My beautiful Seeker."

Leostars P.O.V

I swayed behind Megatron innocently grinning widely as we walked through a corridor.

"Sooooooooooooooooooo. You and Screamer did have a thing."

A deep sigh emanated from deep in his chest.

"Yes, my sweetspark. Briefly. Before the war."


"I can practically hear your grin young lady." He grumbled, causing me to giggle.

"It's just. Ever since I joined the ranks you've been smacking him around. Or is that how he li-KYAHHHHH!!!!" I screeched and took off laughing as a metal panel flew by my head.

As I turned into a hallway, I ran into someone. Both of us grunted and fell back on our afts.

"Holy shit. Are you ok?!?!" I said standing up helping EmberRose up.

"Yea, yea I'm fine sis. Don't worry." Her wings perked and I smiled.

"Good. I'm glad." I laughed nervously checking the previous hallway. Sire was no where to be seen so I looked back.

"What were you running from anyway?" She smiled turning as I walked beside her.

"Well. Do you see that paneling back there?"


"Yea, Sire threw that at me." I giggled, thinking of the conversation again. "I was aggravating him about something."

"Oh? What?" She grinned.

"Well. No offense. But I was picking on him about him, Starscream and you."

"Yea, everyone finds it strange."

"I don't. Just. Surprising. Given what all I've seen since coming here."

"Yea. They used to have a better relationship. Though I think it was more for my sake than anything." She lamented looking down.

I sighed hugging her tight.

"I know how you feel. I think now would be a good time to tell you my story." I smiled at her.
HI GUYS!!!!!! So I really really really really really really am so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in What? 2? 3 Years? I know I'm a horrible person and author. PRIMUS FORGIVE ME!!!! I hope I haven't lost you awesome humans/mechs and/or femmes. But, adulthood is a lot harder than I thought it'd be. That being said let me explain EmberRose real quick.

She's my newest OC (I have a lot of those *sigh*). She's the daughter of Megatron and Starscream. (I honestly don't know why I ship them together). Her lover is, obviously, Knockout.

If y'all want a full character bio about her let me know!!! I'll do it. I'm super proud of her and her little trine.

Anyway THANK YOU if your still around XD.

Rebirth (Sequel to Soundwave Guardian Pt. 2) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now