R.I.P Chester Bennington

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Guys. I can't. I can't handle this. I really can't fucking handle this. This man saved my life. And he's gone. Why. Why do such bad things happen to amazing people. I just. It hurts too much.

Depression isn't something to laugh about. Please if you're going through depression. Talk to someone. Please. It may seem like your alone. I know the feeling. I know that it feels like no one cares but I promise you. There IS SOMEONE who cares. If you don't have someone like that THEY'RE COMING. I promise. I struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts for a long time. But I met my bestest friend in the world and then a few years later my boyfriend. IT GETS BETTER. I PROMISE. You have to just open up. Talk to someone, please. And just know I care for you too. I don't care if I don't even know you. YOUR LIFE IS MEANINGFUL TO ME. It's precious and it's beautiful.

R.I.P Chester. I hope God has you in his loving embrace. And I know your not in pain anymore. I wish I could've thanked you for saving my life in person. I guess I'll have to wait till my time comes. <3

I'll update eventually. I was planning to do it today but. I just can't. Everything hurts.

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