23 - Investigation

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Yoshi Ko gazed expressionlessly over his large mahogany desk to a man in a cheap brown suit who had introduced himself as Detective Roger Krum. Yoshi forced his thoughts from the partially open drawer at his feet, the location he'd angrily stowed his black spandex only minutes before.

"How may I help you?" Ko asked straightly.

The middle-aged detective glanced furtively toward Kimi in the corner, then scooted forward on his chair to address Yoshi. "Perhaps you'd like this conversation to be private?"

"No. This is our operations manager. She's also my wife."

Kimi stepped forward, every curve accentuated by her tight, black bodysuit. "Please excuse my attire. I've been working out."

"Fine then," said Detective Krum, delving into a small attaché case to produce a single manila folder. "I'll get straight to the point."

"Yes, please do," said Yoshi. "I'm a very busy man."

Krum paused from opening his folder to return a stern look. "Yes. We all are."

Yoshi nodded, conceding the point.

The detective whirled an 8x10 photograph from the folder and slid it onto the desk. "I'll be surprised if you know this man. Correct me if I'm wrong."

Yoshi examined the young, red-headed athlete captured midair in skimpy, white shorts and tall, red socks. A soccer ball hung just over the young man's shoulder, in flight from a raised heel.

"You are correct," said Ko. "Who is he?"

"He was Tipton Doak." The detective produced a smaller photograph, this one clearly a morgue shot from shoulders up. "He died two days ago of suspicious causes."

Ko glanced briefly at the image, then lifted his eyes pointedly at the detective. "Suspicious?"

Kimi moved closer, curiously scanning over the two pictures. "I'm afraid you have misconceptions about the type of research we do in our laboratories."

Krum smiled shrewdly. "I am interested in your research, but perhaps not in the manner you suspect." He dropped another series of snapshots onto the desk and began to spread them one-by-one across the surface.

Yoshi leaned back into his plush office chair, uninterested in the photos. With his left toe, he tapped the bottom drawer closed, strengthening his indifference.

Kimi leaned onto the desk, soaking in the images. "What are these?"

Krum gazed up, then scooted away quickly, seeming embarrassed by the closeness of Kimi's curves. "I was hoping you might tell me."

"No. Sorry, but I can't."

Krum nodded, slipping a white printout from his folder. He scratched his head reflexively, then eyed the small print on the paper. "Maybe it would help to know that you're looking at synthetic myocytes. That didn't mean diddly squat to me when I read it, but a gentleman from Norway tells me it's artificially grown meat."

Kimi took a closer look at the images. "If you say so."

The detective picked out a particular photo and handed it to her. "Look again. I know it's hard to judge the scale, but see that shiny metal object in the edge of the view? That's a four-wheeled cart that stands about yay high." He held his hand just above desk level. "That big hunk of meat beside it was inside the victim's gut less than twenty four hours before that picture was taken."

Yoshi didn't need to see the picture, and like himself, Kimi showed no reaction.

Krum waited expectantly for any kind of response.

Kimi handed back the image. "Where did it come from?"

"I thought you might know."

"Well, it didn't come from here."

"How can you be sure? Nevermind that. Let's just say it came from a competitor."

Yoshi stiffened in his seat. There were no competitors. Yet, now was not the time to boast as such.

A knock at the door heralded the sudden entrance of an uninvited guest. A brawny security guard poked his head inside. "Excuse the interruption, but I have a pressing matter that requires Mister Ko's attention."

Detective Krum huffed. "That's rather convenient."

Convenient indeed, thought Ko, curious if his assistant had fabricated the diversion.

Yoshi rose, extending his hand. "I'm afraid we aren't able to help in your investigation. But I do wish you the best of luck."

Krum flustered red in the face. He rose, leaving Ko hanging. "Would you allow me to look around your facility?"

"I'm afraid our proprietary processes are protected by international law."

Kimi stepped forward. "I'll give you the layman's tour. Come with me."

Yoshi nodded acceptingly, then motioned for the security guard to enter. The bulky man in white and black uniform stepped inside, holding the door wide for Kimi and Detective Krum to pass.

When the two were outside, he eased the door closed behind them.

Ko deflated into his seat with a deep sigh. "Thank you."

The guard stepped to desk. "Sorry, sir, but there really is something you must see."

"Of course. It's one of those days."

"May I?" the guard asked, opening a palm to the computer monitor.

"Be my guest."

The guard turned the keyboard and tapped away at the keys, leaning over the wide desk. A video surveillance screen popped up and the man fast forwarded the monochrome video. Cars flashed in and out of marked spaces in a parking lot.

"Where is this?" asked Yoshi.

"West lot, sir. Here's the moment you need to see."

Yoshi straightened in his seat, moving closer to the screen. A small import car whipped haphazardly into a space.

The guard paused the video and magnified the display. "That's James Snyder, day shift control room operator."

The grainy video proceeded, and James stepped from the driver's side to open the rear door. A moment later, a dark figure in black bindings struggled out of the back seat. Yoshi swallowed hard at the recognition of Tyrone Stanley.

A small dog leapt from the front door and frolicked at both men's feet. When James bent over to scoop up the dog, Tyrone bucked forward, slamming the unsuspecting man against the car, toppling him onto the pooch.

Tyrone bolted from the scene.

The security guard zoomed out the video, just in time to see Tyrone breach the corner of the lot and dart into oncoming traffic.

Yoshi wiped newly formed beads of sweat from his brow. "Where did he go?"

"No idea, sir. By the time we arrived at the scene, he was gone."

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