2. Missing

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Stiles woke up in a clean, white room. Staring around himself he tried to figure out where he was but had no idea. He was lying on a hard white bed that sat to the right hand side of the room, the opposite wall taken up by a glass window that showed some sort of white, never-ending corridor on the other side, giving him the odd impression of being a lab rat.

He stood up and made his way over to the glass wall, feeling around for some sort of way out. His hand found an indent that had been made in the glass, thin enough that it was hardly noticeable to the naked eye. Pulling as hard as he could Stiles tried to open the door and, after pushing and pulling for a few minutes, he decided to take a different course of action.

Picking up a chair that had been put in the corner of the room, he threw it at the glass but, instead of hearing the harsh sound of shattering glass he heard splintering wood. Turning around from the position he had taken to avoid being hit by shards of glass, he saw the chair in pieces on the floor in front of him and made a mental note to stop trying to break out due to the indestructible thin glass before him.

He looked around his surroundings once more and saw that lying on the table beside the bed he had woken up in was a pile of white cotton clothes, obviously there with the intention of being put on. Noticing a door on the left hand side of the room that seemed to lead to a bathroom, Stiles walked in, taking the pile of clothes with him and quickly showered before changing and going back through to the first room to sit on the bed and wait to see if something happened. He knew better than to make a fuss.


Lydia collapsed in Scott's arms when he finally arrived at his best friends jeep that she had been unable to leave. "Scott..." she muttered, her voice hoarse from crying, "Scott... we have to tell the Sheriff." She murmured as sudden realisation washed over her that they hadn't told him his son was missing.

"We should go and tell him in person." Scott replied, gently helping Lydia up from the crouched position she had taken up. He knew they couldn't do this over the phone. Telling the Sheriff the only family he had left was missing would break him and they should be there to help him through this.

"I'll call Malia." He heard her mumble as they moved towards Scott's car to drive to the Sheriffs station.


After what seemed like hours Stiles eventually saw someone walking towards him through the glass. As he saw the approaching figure he quickly stood up, desperate to leave the confines of the small room he was trapped in. It suddenly hit him that he wasn't scared more... bored? Not like he was before the nogitsune. He knew it was gone but he could still feel the sense of power and control that had coursed through his body under its influence.  "Hello Mieczyslaw, how are you?" Came the woman's voice, suddenly snapping Stiles back to reality.

"How do you know my real name?" He asked her, uneasy about the way she was looking at him, as though she could see right into his thoughts.

"I know many things about you Mieczyslaw, or would you prefer me to call you Stiles? I know all about what you did as the nogitsune," Stiles took a sharp intake of breath, "and all the supernatural creatures you have faced with your pack. I know things about you that you haven't even told your closest friends. That good feeling you got from killing Donovan, your lack of self-confidence that you hide behind a mask of sarcasm and humour and the sense of power that you are constantly craving to feel, the very reason why you turned down the bite from Peter. I. Know. Everything."

Stiles stared at her. How could she know? No one knew about what he had been feeling since his release from the nogitsunes control, well except Theo, but he was no threat seeing as he was very much dead and unable to pass on information from his grave.

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