3. Revelation

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Allison turned to face Stiles, wiping away her tears. "I don't know." Was her reply.

"But Allison, you've been dead, or not dead, for nearly a year. How can you not know what this place is? Where have you been  all this time?" Stiles asked, worry evident in his eyes.

"I don't know Stiles. I don't remember. All I know is that I woke up yesterday in a type of research lab surrounded by about 5 doctors and just before I blacked out I heard someone say the resurrection has been successful. Next thing I know a blond woman called Ava Paige is talking to me in a bedroom with a glass window, saying that wicked is good, whatever that means, and then I was being led here by a red haired woman. The rest, well it's history."

"Do you know how many people here have gone through similar experiences as us?" Stiles whispered, watching the other teenagers in the room.

"Everyone I have spoken to so far was either kidnapped, led here or died and was resurrected like me. They also all only remember waking up yesterday." Allison gazed at him for a moment. She could see the wheels in his mind slowly turning as he thought about what to do and how on earth they could have brought his best friends first love back to life.

"We need to get out of here." Stiles finally spoke, "Who knows how long we've been gone and what they're planning to do with all of us." And, without a sound he made his way over to the door he had entered through, Allison close behind.

Careful to seem as though he was simply curious he made his way over to the guard, who was standing with his back to them and, without warning, he bashed the mans head against the wall, instantly knocking him out. As soon as it happened a troop of men in uniform with taser guns burst into the room, heading straight for Stiles and closely followed by an unimpressed looking Ava Paige.

"Hello again Mieczyslaw" she said, a slight touch of anger in her voice, "I am very sorry to say you're going to have to come with me."

A noise behind her made her turn. Allison had tried to make a grab for her but had been caught by one of the guards. "Ah, Miss Argent." Ava said, smiling sweetly, "For that little outburst I would be happy to bring you with us."

They each felt one of the guns pressed into their backs and were led out whilst Ava turned to face the rest of the room. "I would like everyone to return to their rooms for further instruction. If there are any signs of struggle or bad behaviour then the culprit will be brought to me personally and I will deal  with you myself." And with that she turned on her heel and made her way to the labs to speak with the head scientist.


Scott arrived at Derek's loft in 5 minutes flat, he didn't care that he had broken just about every speed limit in Beacon Hills, this was an emergency, anyway the Sheriff would understand.

Sliding back the heavy metal door he entered the loft to find Derek standing by the window, staring into the distance. At the sound of Scott walking in her turned. "Scott." He said, walking over to the True Alpha and taking in his battered appearance. "Scott, sit down." He motioned to the sofa that lay to one side of the room.

"No." Scott replied bluntly, "We need to find Stiles, I need to find him." And he started pacing, clearly trying to figure out what their next move could be and impatient to get going.

After a few minutes of silence the door slid open and in entered Lydia and Malia, closely followed by Liam, Hayden, Corey and Mason. Lydia was being supported by Malia as they walked in, her grief leaving her unable to stand.

After she had set Lydia down on the sofa, Malia walked up to Scott until she was directly in front of him. "So what's the plan?" She asked.

Scott just looked back, the pain in his eyes clear, "I don't know, I just don't know. I have no idea of where he could be or how to find him and-"

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