chapter one

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(For eddmatt go to chapter 3)

Tom, woke up from a beeping noise at his side. "Beep! Beep! Wake tf up- Beep!" As he reached up to turn it off he looked at the time,"-FFFFF" he was late.again.for the fifth time.....this week.... "WHY MEEeeEee" Tom wined as he got dressed, and got his backpack on.

He ran out the door to the bus stop. As the bus was about to leave, he got on saying good morning to the bus driver and sat down next to edd. Edd was one of toms best friends along with Matt . " what's your excuse THIS time tom?" Asked Edd in disappointment in his peer . "Alarm Clock" said Tom checking his back back for his history homework .

Whispered Tom, under his breath mentally fist pumping himself. "Hmmmmmmm history,history.... OHH that's right your boyfriend. The teacher. Mr . Larssion." Edd said to Tom . Every one in his class KNEW Tom had a crush on his teacher . Wellllll except the teacher himself. "N-NO I-it's just .... good grades!" Tom lied to his friend . You see Tom had ...ughhh. Let's say. On and off grades . Well except in one class. History. Tom always did the extra work . He loved seeing his teacher smile at him, it always fills Tom up with joy! Well at this point now Tom was just zoned out, smiling thinking about his teacher smiling . And how beautiful his eyes were ...OH and- " Tom your a blushing mess" edd said knowing what Tom was thinking about.

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