Yesterday I ended my friendship with my best friend of nine years yesterday. And I needed someone to talk to.
For nine years I was friends with my best friend.
9 years 3,287 days 78,840 hrs 4,730,400 mins 283,824,000 sec 283,824,000,000 milliseconds And counting. I was friends with her.
When we were in 5th grade she moved away because her mother was cheating on her step father and they moved away but we remained at the same school.
After that school year ended she told me that she would be going to a different middle school. I though nothing of it and In 6th grade nothing changed we were still best friends.
I told her everything and all we did was communcate through a screen about life problems she helped me get through mine and I helped get her through hers. We always had a shoulder to cry on within each other. And It worked out that way.
But slowly as we got older. We drifted apart. Which is why we are here now. We lost touch there was now things that we once could talk about we couldn't. I knew nothing about her daily life, she knew nothing about mine.
Conversations were hard to keep and we just weren't connecting. I think that if we went to the same school we would be on the same page still but after we split things changed. We had new friends whom we could connect with and while those were building, ours were diminishing.
I always had to start the conversation it took her 1 months and 15 days for us to contact each other. And everyday I waited for her text but never got one. So when she finally did text me I was shocked.
So I didn't text her just to show that I was mad about our communication loss. So she texted me brother and told him to tell me to text her. But I refused. But my brother eventually made me decide to talk to her, so I did. We talked and she told me that she would change and I believed her. She text me first the next day. Then the day after that I texted her first. But the day after that I didn't text her. So another month went by with no text but out of the kindness of my heart I texted her and we talked she was going to the fair and I was glad for her though I wasn't going.
So after some long hard thinking I decided to end the best friendship that we once shared. Yesterday I did. I lost my best friend.
I still love her and I wish the best for her she will always have a special place in my heart because after 9 years of knowing someone personally it's hard to let go that easily.
But my last text messages to her were: Me:italic Her: bold
I also hope that if we don't become friends again that you have the bestest friend. And they have as much heart and character as you.
Aww same to you I hope they are as strong as you though
Thank you!❤
No need to thank me ❤️
The moral of the story is that in life you lose people. But losing people isn't a bad thing some times it's to better you. Just because we are not bestfriend's doesn't mean that we can't still want to see each other succeed or to be happy. Whether your my friend or not I still want to see you succeed.
Regardless of the matter she will always be my heart best friend and the one who still knows all my secrets. She's my sister. The sister that I grew up with. The person I can always lean on. And I never want to see her down or hurt. And if she needs a shoulder to cry on she will always have mine.
What I'm trying to say is that when you grow up you leave certain people behind. And if you aren't losing friends then honey you aren't growing up. I hope none of you guys have to go through this and if you did, I'm sorry you had to.
I just wanted to tell you guys because you guys are like my best friends you always here me out and you guys are always trying to help.
I love you guys so much. ❤
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