Chapter One

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Y/n's POV

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

I finally sat up and turned off my alarm clock. Waking up is always the worst, however, today is the first day back at school which is only like ten times worse. This year, I am a year two and don't have to suffer too much longer. Thank god. I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom. I sighed saddened by the way I looked. I ran a brush through my (h/l) (h/c) hair as I stared out my bedroom window. It was a bright, sunny day. Too bad I have to wear a horrendous yellow dress that the school somehow approved to be "uniform". Luckily, since I tend to stay after school to practice violin and guitar, I can bring clothes to change into. It also left me time to make songs and work on how they should sound when sung.

"Auntie?" I yelled out my door.

"What do you need (Y/n)?" She yelled back.

"Do we have any more pop-tarts?" I asked knowing that I would be hungry after school.

"Yes, we do, would you like me to make you breakfast instead?" My aunt replied back.

"No thank you but, thank you for the offer." I cheerily said.

With that note, I hopped in the shower while singing along to one of my favorite songs. After that, I rung my hair out and got it partially dried with my towel. I then threw on the hideous dress and blow-dried my hair letting it keep its natural form. I grabbed my plain old black backpack with grey trim and threw in a pair of black skinny jeans, a white button-up, and a grey sweater vest to throw on top of the button-up later. I also had to put in all of my school stuff because, well, school. Thankfully, at the rate I was getting done today, I would end up being forty minutes early to school. This would give me time to work on a song I was close to finishing.

With my backpack full of the things I needed from my room, I headed down the stairs. I grabbed my guitar case deciding to not bring my violin and work specifically on my songs today. I made my way into the kitchen grabbing two packages of brown sugar cinnamon pop-tarts. Only the best flavor of pop-tarts to ever exist.

"Bye auntie, I'll message you when I am on my way back home," I told her while giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I don't think she knows just how thankful I am for her.

"Bye dear, don't be home too late, we have guests coming over," She hugged back.

I then headed on my journey to school. Yay, who doesn't love going to a pink school full of a bunch of rich kids who still have their parents in their life or at least one of them. As I drew closer to the school, the more I noticed the beautiful scenery around me. I then heard my name being called by higher pitched voice. The voice of Akiko.

"Good morning Akiko." I said turning around.

"Good morning to you too." She said catching up to me. She's always been really pretty with her light brown hair and gorgeous emerald eyes. She was on the shorter side, unlike my tall-ish self.

"I see you are headed to school early to practice," She said looking at my guitar case.

"Indeed I am, why are you headed to school so early? Is it to see Akihiko?" I said turning to her while wiggling my eyebrows and stifling a giggle.

"Why yes, yes I am," she said also with a slight giggle while managing to blush.

"You two are so cute together!" I said whole thinking about how much lonelier I get with each day.

"Thanks (Y/n)," she started, "Does it bother you that both Satomi and I have started to get into a more romantic relationship with one of the boys."

"Look, I want all of you happy. So as long as you are happy, how I feel doesn't matter." I forced a believable smile. This seemed to please her as she smiled happily. Glad she's happy.

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