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 As the mysterious punk walks away, John watches him, standing on the curb, looking him until he saunters behind the parked cars and out of sight. Even after the teen leaves, John stays watching, wondering if he'll maybe come back.

I never got a clear answer if I would see him tomorrow. John thinks to himself. He's even better than I imagined. He's so handsome, charming, and even sweet. But closed off. But then, I never asked any personal questions. I wonder if he'll be my friend.

John starts to walk home, not wanting to wait for the bus. The walk is long and his calves hurt by the time he gets to his street, but the bus passes up just as he walks up his driveway. Perfect timing.

He walks into the house to see his mom and Harry unpacking boxes.

"How was school sweetie?" His mom asks, and he can see that she is avoiding using her right hand, even though she's right hand dominant. She doesn't look like she's moving her shoulder at all. Harry seems to be limping as she walks across the room to place a lamp on the coffee table.

He ignores the question and asks his own. "Where's dad?"

"At work." His mom answers in a straight voice. She's lying. He's probably at the bar.

"Ok." He sets his backpack down and starts up the stairs, when he feels a soft hand on his shoulder. It's not his mom's, hers is softer. He turns to see Harry looking at him.

"Harry." He whispers and she gives him an intense look, guiding him upstairs and into her bedroom. "Harry." He says again when he sits across from her on the bed.

"Who beat you up squirt?" She asks. "It couldn't have been dad. He doesn't hit your face."

John looks at the black floral covers but doesn't answer.

"Who was it?" Harry demands, but in a kind way.

"Why do you want to know? It's not like you'll know them."

"It was Moriarty." She says.

"I didn't even know his name. The only one I knew his name was Moran, because he said it. How do you know? You're graduated!"

"I know these things. I have connections." She says.

"Harry, come on, there's no way you can know this."

"I had an internet friend when I was in year 10. We lost contact, but when I said on social media I was moving to London she contacted me. I told her what school you were going to, and she told me everything she knew. This gang of douchebags, lead by a dickwad named Jim Moriarty has been threatening everyone lower than them, and practically ruling the school."

John sighs. "They beat up my friend too."

Harry looks at him in amazement. "You have a friend already?!"

"Thanks, for the beat of confidence Harry." He begins to get up, but she pushes him back down.

"No, I didn't mean it. Please tell me." She pleads.

"Well, he's not really a friend, but I saw him on the bus, and after school I talked to him a bit." John shrugges. He sounds pathetic, and he knows it.

"What does he look like?" She rests her hands on either side of her face.

"He has dark hair that's cropped on the sides, pale skin. A couple of tattoos," He doesn't want to tell her everything. She might overreact. "He's a new student too. He has vibrant blue eyes, the bluest eyes I've ever seen! He has deathly pale skin, but it's actually quite handsome, a good contrast to his dark hair." He glances at his sister and realizes that he's ranting, crap, and he's smiling.

"He sounds perfect." She coos. "I knew you were gay." She pinches his cheek and he stands up from the bed.

"Bisexual." He scowls. "There's a difference."

"What?!" She shrieks and jumps from the bed, grabbing John by the shoulders and shaking him. "Are you serious!" When he nods she pulls him tight for a hug. "You came out! I'm so proud of you! MOM!" She shrieks and bounds down the stairs, despite her hurt leg, and John is in close tow, trying to stop her, by reaching for her shirt, but with no avail.

When she gets to the kitchen, she presents John in front of their mother. "Guess who just came out of the closet!" She shrieks and John buries his face in his hands.

Their mom hugs them both and kisses John on the head. "I'm proud of you honey. Please know that I'll support you no matter what. Even if you change your mind." She whispers.

"Bisexual, for the record. Not gay!" 

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