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Three weeks later, they walk out of the school and the sun is shining. Both Sherlock and John both finished their last exam, and their grad ceremony is in 2 days. 

"This is it!" John says, squeezing Sherlock's hand. "We're done school! We're done!" 

"I can't believe you've decided not to go to Uni. Being the nerd you are." Sherlock nudges John on the shoulder, maybe a little bit too hard.

"Me too. I mean, I've always dreamed of going to University, but I've decided I want to take a year off. I really do." 

Sherlock gives him a side glance, and John is the one doing the nudging this time. 

"Let's just graduate, we'll elope and we can start a new life in Edinburgh, ok?"

Sherlock smiles and squeezes John's hand wordlessly as they keep walking. When they get home, their mom makes them lemonade then all 3 of them sit together on the deck, enjoying the sunshine while they can. 

"I can't believe you guys are done school now." She sips daintily out of her glass. 

"I know, it's crazy!" John responds. His mom is acting normal, and as if nothing is out of the ordinary, but when Sherlock goes inside to get some biscuits she picks up his hand and points to his ring. 

"What's this?" 

Johns face turns beet red. He stutters and longs for Sherlock to come back so he doesn't have to tell her alone. Normally they're so good at remembering to take their rings off after school so she won't notice. Just then, the sliding door opens and Sherlock comes out with a plate of biscuits. 

"Sherlock and I are planning on moving to Edinburgh once graduation is over." 

Her face falls at John's words. Sherlock sits down, as if he's not phased at all what John is telling her. "But the rings? Are you guys getting married?" 

"Mrs. Watson." Sherlock stands up from his seat. "Do I have permission to marry your son?" 

"No." She mutters quietly. "No, you don't. You are way too young! You haven't been together for very long at all! Hardly any time! How can you know if you're right for each other? How can you know the marriage won't end up like mine? You know I got married at 18."

"Mom, what on earth are you saying?" John stands up to go stand beside Sherlock. "Sherlock would never do something like that to me. And I never would to him either. How could you even say that?" John wants to leave, he wants to storm away. It's unbelievable his mom would assume something like that. 

"But Edinburgh?" She is standing now as well. "That's so far away, how are you going to get the money to live there? John, you aren't even planning to go to University anymore! I'm afraid that Sherlock has corrupted your mind. I've been thinking that for a few months since your school has gone down and you've been spending more time away from home." 

"Mom, how could you say something like that? How could you! I'm growing up, ok? I'm growing up, and you just don't want me to leave! You just don't want to be alone." 

"I don't want to be alone!" Tears are spilling from her eyes. "I lost your father many years ago to the bottle, I lost your sister to a rope, and now I can't lose you to him! I can't lose you to someone who I also love very much. I don't want to lose either of you!" 

It's quiet until Sherlock's deep voice carries through the air. "We'll visit. I have the means for John and I to find a comfortable place and we'll find jobs, we can go to school there if we want and we'll come visit you. You won't be alone." 

"You can't change my mind. You are too young to get married." She sits back down, defeated. 

"Mom," John sits beside her and places a gentle hand on her arm. "Mom, we're both 18, this is a decision we're allowed to make on our own."

"I can't support this. I can't support you guys. I'm sorry. I disagree with what you're doing." She stands and goes inside, closing the sliding door and leaving Sherlock and John outside. John walks a few steps until he's out of the yard and closes the large wooden gate before he breaks into tears, falling onto the ground. Sherlock sits next to him and holds him. People walking on the sidewalk stare at them quizzically, but Sherlock just holds John and strokes his hair. 

"How am I supposed to do this? How can I leave her here, while I go get married. I know this is the right thing! I know it is Sherlock! I love you, and I want to marry you, but I don't want to let her down. I can't disappoint her Sherlock!" 

"Shh, shh." Sherlock says, telling John to take deep breaths to calm him down. "Let's stay here for the summer. Let's live with your mom and help her around the house, and we'll move in the fall. We'll get married in the fall. We can postpone our plans. We're in no rush." 

John traces one of Sherlock's tattoos with the tip of his finger, and kisses his neck lightly. "Thank you." 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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