Chapter four

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"H-Hey!" Evan found himself shouting as he raced to the boy on the bridge. Connors head turned around to face Evan and his eyes were narrowed and he looked honesty looked, he looked broken. His face was red and blotchy, and you could clearly see the tear stains on his cheeks but he had a cold glare on his face. His eyes were glassy, they looked like any second you could barely touch it and it would completely fall apart. Fall into a million pieces and tears would stream down his face.

Evan finally reached Connor and he was a panting mess when he did so, he looked up at him and stumbled on words. This was the moment, one of the moments of many where words failed. Evan at first was stunned, silent, he felt mute. He didn't know what to say now. He had just screamed across the park, even if no one was actually there it still somehow shocked him. He screamed at Connor Murphy. Connor Murphy who had previously shoved him down in the hallway calling him a freak. Connor Murphy who had his note. His note.

"What are you doing?" Evan found himself whispering to the other boy. Connors gaze didn't change, he still looked mad but also as if he were just a tap away from bursting into tears. "What the fuck does it look like I'm doing, Hansen?" The boy snapped at Evan, making him shiver. He wanted to take a step back. He should've taken many steps back. But he didn't. Something was telling him not too. Something inside didn't allow Evan to move.

"I- I- I-" Evan found himself stammering before he took a deep breath and he just grabbed Connor's arm.

Connor didn't respond. He didn't move a muscle, but his gaze did flicker down to look at Evans hand and arm. His gaze gave away nothing, it was still hard and cold yet still heartbreaking. Evan sniffed and he built up courage inside of him before physically pulling Connor off the railing. Off the bridge to the ground where they were both safe.

Neither of them said anything, though Evan did let go of Connor's arm. "Please don't." Evan found himself whispering, whilst Connor just stared at Evan without making a word. "Y-You can't." Evan whispered, "I know things are probably hard-- and I know what it's like, but please don't. Things will get better. Things have to get better. You just have to uh... be willing to wait for it..?"

Connor stared at Evan for a while, while Evan had stared to tear up. He didn't know why he was tearing up. He probably shouldn't be. But that's just how he is. He's stupid. He cries for no reason. But he just can't stop himself from at least letting a few tears fall. Finally, Evan felt arms wrap around him and a head bury into his shoulder.

Connor Murphy was hugging Evan Hansen. Sobs racked the boy as they hugged and at first Evan didn't know what to do. He was almost in shock, so he just kinda rubbed his back guessing that's what a normal person would do in this situation. Evan was tensed up, as Connor once was. But now. Now he was loose. He didn't look as scary even though Evan couldn't actually see his face. It seemed as if Connor just kinda fell apart in Evans arms. Evan hugged Connor back anyways.


It was the next day at school now, and literally everyone knew how Connor Murphy, the school freak, had tried to kill himself and Evan Hansen, just a kid who was just kind of there, had stopped him. Connor came to school the next day, which seemed to surprise everyone but kinda relieved Evan. If he hadn't Evan would've been worried he would've killed himself.

Everyone had actually been trying to talk to Evan and Connor now. Though the two avoided each other. Which was useless, Evan though because they were just about to have to face each other. Evan walked down the hallways to his next class, which he shared with Connor. In fact, Connor sat right behind him in this class. Evan was just about to make the turn around the corner when no other but Jared Kleinman walked up to Evan.

"Hey Evan!" Jared called with a huge cocky grin as he made his way to Evan. "So you stopped the school shooter from suicide, huh? I bet you're real proud of yourself." Evan didn't respond. He usually would but now he didn't know how too. He knew Jared would just make fun of him for every wrong thing he said or did. Like he always did. So instead, Evan just kinda looked away.

"Oh come on Evan. Don't be all quiet. You know, this is why-" Evan didn't listen. Jared just kept rambling on and on about all other kind of stuff that Evan could honestly care less about. Not that he was trying to be rude. He wasn't. He was just, kinda not in the mood at the moment. Finally the bell rang and Jared walked off letting Evan go to class. He walked in and sat in his normal seat, Connor sitting behind him.

The teacher hadn't walked in, even though the bell had rang. Probably taking a bathroom break or something. Who knows. Evan hoped they were okay and they wouldn't have to get substitute teachers. Evan hated substitutes. They always called on him, or had to make sure he was listening because they didn't know how Evan was. Evans mom had come home sobbing many times because before the teachers never understood him. Heidi, Evans mom, had finally saw this and decided to do something about it. She went to school with him and told them what was going on and since then its been a bit easier.

Soon a group of kids made their way over to Evan, and they all started talking at once. Evan stared at them and opened his mouth then closed it. All of them were talking about the same thing. What happened with Connor Murphy. Evan helplessly stared as they talked to him and wished he could just shrink and run out of the room and leave. He didn't like this, it stressed him out and made him tense up. "P-Please stop..." Evan managed to mumble but they just went on.

Evan helplessly stared at them until someone spoke up. "Hey, he said to stop! Fuck off!" Evan turned to find Connor was the one that had shouted. The others stared at them before just walking off. Evan blinked then he stared at Connor eyes huge, while he glared after the others.

"What?" Connor snapped once he realized Evan was staring. Evan shrunk backs and quickly shook his head before looking forward. One question raced his mind through the rest of class. What had just happened?

Hey! I updated. Sorry it took so long I really don't have an excuse. Besides the fact I've been at my grandmas if that counts c: also you may have noticed I changed my writing style. What do you guys think? Do you like it? Or should I change it back? Comment! :0

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