Chapter 4: The Great Escape

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"Wake up! Wake up Jade!"Zack said


"Llllll! Huh? Wha-Why did you kissed me?"Jade asked

"Coz' you cannot wake up"

"Oh!Sorry (Blush)"

"Hehehe! Your making tomato face again!"

"Stop it!Seriously, why did you wake me up?"

"Look at the road"

"Oh shitt! Fuck!"

"Why?"Celine asked

"Road!!!"Jade said

"Men!!!Full of undead"

"I know right!"

"How are we gonna make it to our checkpoint? Its full of bitches"Celine said

They waked up Blitz,Karl and Jacob. They drove all the way to the checkpoint. Mysteriously, something big and bad is coming. Anyway, they are trapped. The only way to get to the checkpoint is DISTRACTION!!!!

"Who will be the bait?"Zack asked

"I do"Jacob volunteered

"Really? Are you really sure 'bout that?"Celine said

"Yes! Even though I want to fight but this fight is just getting started"

"Then let's go"Blitz said

The gang left Jacob and eventually he died. The gang is 4 now but still strong. They were on Highway 65 just down Mega Mart Bot. Then, they saw a big Psycho walking holding a big, wrecked sign handle. They exactly drove passing the psycho. But the psycho blocked them.

"Shit! What are we gonna do?"

"Give me my back pack and let's get out"Zack said


"Hey bitch! Over here, I'll blow up your fucking body!" Zack added



"I get A+ and you got F- bitch!"

"Wow! I'm impressed Zack, you killed the psycho"Jade said

"Have some guns guys! You should have defense" Zack said

"Thanks! Really"Jade said

"Can I get the AK-47?" Karl asked


They went back to the car and drove all the way to Checkpoint.


Yo! bro, vote and comment! Bye, wattys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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