the Crash

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After speaking with Heda about everything I had discovered I went back to my room to get some rest. Tomorrow Heda was going to call a meeting of the clans to discuss a war plan.


A hesitant knock on the door was what awoke me the following morning. I blinked rapidly trying to adjust my eyes to the light. "Enter." I rasp sitting myself up. The door slowly opens and one of the maids enters my room her head bowed.

" Ai'm sorry kom disturb yu lacey ba the heda has asked me kom awake yu en help yu in your preparation gon the clan meeting." (I'm sorry to disturb you Lacey but the commander has asked me to awake you and help you prepare for the meeting).

"You are fine my child. Please come in. Would you mind drawing my bath? And finding me something suitable for the meeting?" She nodded her head and walked into my room. I slipped out of my bed and straightened it out rolling out my shoulders and neck. I must have slept a little strange because I was a little stiff. Hopefully the bath would help the ache to fade. I undressed and slipped into the water, dunking myself under. I stayed under for a few moments before re emerging and wiping the water from my face. I scrubbed my body with soap and combed my fingers through the tangles at the bottom of my locks. I stepped out of the tub and let it begin to drain. I dried myself off and strode towards my bed where my clothing had been laid out. The brisk morning air sent a slight chill running down my spine.

I slipped on the black slightly tattered pants , the holy grey sweater I had brought with me from home and a fur vest, it was getting a little cold in here. I shoved my feet into my hunting boots and set out to the main dining hall. We were going to have a breakfast together all of the clan leaders, their seconds, and their head warriors. I entered the large room bowing my head to Heda. I took my place on her right at the head of the table and sat waiting for everyone to sit and for the dining to begin. Once everyone was seated Heda held up her glass, taking a sip of her drink. Signaling for us to begin eating.

After we were all done eating, we moved into the meeting room. I was going to have to start the meeting off by sharing all of what I had gathered on the mountain.

"Greetings. Osir welcome yu hir today in order kom discuss our wor plans gon the maun. While ai was surveiling the maun ai found tu possible entries der ste no main entrance kom chit ai could find. Won enterance ste incredibly risky en would nou be a reliable way in, ai was unable kom try en navigate due kom the presence gon reapers. Der ste however won entrance ona the east side gon the maun. Der ste a large metal door stelt by vines bilaik leads kom a large dark room bilaik leads kom mo hallways en mo doors..." ( Greetings. We welcome you here today in order to discuss our war plans against the mountain. While i was surveiling the mountain I found two possible entries there is no main entrance from what I could find. One enterance is incredibly risky and would not be a reliable way in, I was unable to try and navigate due to the presence of reapers. There is however one entrance on the east side of the mountain. There is a large metal door hidden by vines that leads to a large dark room that leads to more hallways and more doors.)

After the meeting was brought to an end for the day I retreated back to my quarters and stripped down to my bra and underwear. I stepped out onto the balcony and looked out staring at my home. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath trying to relax. My eyes snap open as I hear yelling and a strange noise. I look out and see something flying through the night sky. I follow it as it dips below the horizon and falls into the treelike. There's a slight shake of the ground and then silence. What on earth was that? A falling piece of sky? I quickly slip into some clothing and run through the halls I have to find Heda. What could that have been?

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