My Friend

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I pound on the door hoping for an answer before barging in . "Heda ai'm sorry ba the skai! something came down near the outskirts gon trikru territory!" ( Heda I'm sorry but the sky! Something came down near the outskirts of trikru territory! ) I barge into the room but don't see her. "Heda??!" I start searching the room and find her on the terrace looking out into the horizon.

"Der's smoke em rises near the glowing trimani. Ai need a scout, our kru could be hurt." (Der's smoke em rises near the glowing trimani. Ai need a scout, our kru could be hurt) She breathes out, her gaze slowly turning away from the smoke rising in the distance . "Go, find linkon ai nou want yu going alone. Osir nou know chit's out der. Report back kom me pas yu don scouted through linkon." (Go, find lincoln I do not want you going alone. Us do not know what's out there. Report back to me after you have scouted through Lincoln.)  She commands . I nod , bowing my head to her before exiting the room. I rush into my room quickly changing into my previous attire, grabbing some weapons and my bag still slightly packed from my previous trip. I sling my sword across my back tightening my daggers to my body as I hurry through the capital. I reach the stables and let my horse out sliding a bridle on and hoisting myself up. I give a quick and we are off racing through the village towards the forest.

A few hours later I reach an outer village of Trikru and tie up my horse tossing the goufa (child) a parsel with some coins and nodding towards my horse. I hurry along through the forest trekking through the trees and over fallen logs towards Lincolns home. I find the rock marking the right direction and continue on. I find the cave and enter, hoping my friend would be here.  "Linc ai friend laik yu hir?" (My friend are you here?) I call out edging deeper into the tunnel towards the main room. Something wraps around my neck and something is shoved into my mouth and I'm thrown forward onto the floor. I jump up growling at my attacker spitting the cloth away.

"Lacey?" The figure steps out of the shadows.

"Really Lincoln?"

"I'm sorry I didn't realize." He comes forward wrapping his arms around me. "It's good to see you my friend. What are you doing here? Is everything alright?"

"Heda sent me we need to check out the smoke-"

"The explosion? It destroyed a small settling area there weren't many there but there's a large metal thing a few clicks away the impact and the fire destroyed the farm area and the farmers. They're all dead.."

"I'm sorry..but I still have to go I have to investigate for Heda and report back. Will you come with me?" He nods his head grabbing a bag and shoving a jacket on pulling the hood over his head.

"Follow me." He walks away.

I hurry after, we walk through the forest for miles and the smell of smoke slowly starts to grow stronger and the air gets heavier. We get closer and closer and I can see a large object in the distance and hear shouts and cheers in the distance . I grow cautious and stick to the shadows as we grow closer and closer towards the clearing. I give a low whistle and wait, I hear a returning whistle to my right and look over to see Lincoln crouched low in a bush . I point up towards the tree and he gives a nod. I grab onto the closest branch swinging myself up and start to  scale the tree trying to find a clear visual spot of the clearing.

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