The meeting with Lord Capulet

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"Paris!"  Capulet  called  from  over  on  the  indoor  balcony  it  is  all  of  a  sudden  and  I  jump  in  surprise.  "Come  here.  I  must  talk  to  you," Capulet commanded.  Then  after  I  collect  myself,    I  turn  my  head  and  look  upwards,  Capulet  was  sitting  all  alone  gazing  down  at  me.  Capulet  must  have  seen  me  all  alone  and  decided  that  he  would  talk  about  his  plans  for  me  right  now.  I  headed  towards  the  stairs  that  lead  to  the  indoor 

balcony  that  loomed  overhead  like  a  knight  on  his  horse.  By  the  time  I  reached  the  top,  Capulet  was  motioning  for  a  servant  to  go  away,  we  were  all  alone.  Capulet  is  an  average  sized Italian father with  a  brown  bristly  mustache,  blue  eyes,  and  teeth  so  white  that  it  is  blinding.  
"Hello  Capulet.  What  is  it  that  you  called  me  for?"  I  asked  politely  after  bowing  my  head.  I  know  what  Capulet  wants,  so  I  am  acting composed.
"Do  you  still  love  Juliet?"  Capulet  inquired. Capulet was  seeing  if  I  liked  any  of  the  other  ladies  more  than  Juliet.  I  know  what  you  are  doing  here,  Capulet. Even though I like just about any other lady in this room more than Juliet, her money alone puts the other ladies to shame.
"I  love  Juliet  more  than  a  mouse  loves  cheese."  I  replied  to  Capulet.  I  hope  that  sounded  okay; I  really  need  to  marry  Juliet.  I  won't  mention  marriage.
"Can we go to my study? I have some important business to discuss with you," Capulet whispered to me. This cannot be good. What does his study look like? He has never brought me to it before. We start to walk down a musty corridor that looks like no one ever goes there. Can Capulet not afford to have some servants to clean this corridor? Especially since his study is here. I thought that Capulet had money, that is why I am marrying his daughter.

The Strange Night at the Capulet BallWhere stories live. Discover now