Orange hair child

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(Your point of view)

I was just about to leave the market when I noticed a young boy wondering about on his lonesome. He didn't appear to be with his parents and was clearly too young to be out on his own. I approached the young boy and asked, "Are you lost?" He nodded his head. "Where are your parents?" I continued. "Well, I was looking for mum because dad said she went out. I can't find my way home," he responded. His voice was slightly raspy. "Where do you live? I can help you get home, if you like." I suggested. I can't let a small child dawdle around such a large place like this on their own. "Kurosaki clinic," he replied.

Kurosaki clinic, huh? I needed to pick some things up anyway. "Alright then, I'll take you home." I announced. I gently grabbed his hand and manouvered our way through the crowd. When we managed to leave the area, I let go off his hand. "So, what's your name?" I enquired, hoping to strike up a conversation. "Kazui," he answered. "What's your name?" My name? I only know my first. "(Y/n)," I told him with a smile. "Your dad is Ichigo, isn't he?" Kazui nodded. "You look a lot like him. Your mum, too - I saw her around a couple times." They have the same carrot hair. "You have your dad's hair. I heard people weren't very nice to him because of his hair. So, if people are ever mean to you, ignore them. I bet your a lovely kid," I encouraged him.

"Really? Thank you miss," he thanked. We approached Kurosaki clinic. It's been a while because my asthma is now only resurfacing. I knocked on the door and was faced with the semi-familiar Ichigo Kurosaki - the owner of the clinic.  "Your asthma acting up again?" He asked, mildly disinterested. The man appeared to very tired. In fact, his eyes were red and puffy - likely from crying. "Yeah, also your kid was about. Couldn't find his way back," I laughed awkwardly. "Ah, Kazui. I was looking for you," he stated. The child gave his dad a hug and went to his room. "Give me a moment, I'll go get your inhailer. Come in," Ichigo yawned. I nodded and entered the clinic. House. Clinic house thing.

I took a seat as I waited for Ichigo to return. The man was particularly slow and sluggish today - he wasn't even in professional clothing. "Here," he murmured and placed the inhailer on the table. Ichigo slumped down in the seat opposite me. "You're a mess," I pointed out. I grabbed a nearby tissue and wiped his eyes. Quite lazily, he slapped the air around him. He failed to move my hands out of the way. "I'm not a kid," he muttered, his words slurred. "I know we're not particularly close or anything - I mean I visit once every month, nowhere near close - but it's always good to talk to someone," I attempted to console him. "Kazui said something about Orihime going out." Ichigo slammed his fist again his table and covered his eyes with his left hand. I heard him stifle his crying.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you," I apologised. I hi go shook his head. "No, no. It's alright. You're probably right. I'm just... annoyed?" He replied. It was as if he was trying to convince himself of feeling any emotion except sadness. Like sadness was defeat for him. "Orihime... she got into a car accident. She's in the soul so- she's in the ground now." Ichigo corrected himself. Soul something? Never mind... I'll question him later. "I'm so sorry, Ichigo." I told him. "Couldn't of happened to a sweeter girl," he sobbed. His attempts to stop crying now were futile. That's so horrible... that's why you told Kazui that she went out. He's only a kid... you don't want to tell him that.

"If you don't mind, I'll make you a cup of tea. It's soothing," I suggested. Ichigo nodded, not really interested in much else. As quickly as possible, I made him a cup of tea and returned to where we were sitting. He stretched out and took a sip. "It's good. Thank you," he complimented. "Your welcome. Like I said, we're not close but anything to help a friend. If we are friends. If not, that's fine." I awkwardly said. "I'd consider you a friend," he mumbled. "Really? Thank you!" I thanked. I don't really socialise a lot so that makes me feel a bit better in myself. "Come on, let's take you up to your bed. I'll wash up briefly before I leave," I stated. "I'm... not a kid," Ichigo muttered. "But you are being particularly sluggish today," I pointed out. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and took him to his room.

Guess I have to say thanks (Ichigoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now