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(Your point of view)

"Alright, so don't wallow in your sadness forever. Try and get out and do something. Anything. Also try and spend some time with Kazui. She would want you to live your life happily. Try and take your mind off it," I suggested. Ichigo walked into his bedroom. "See you in a month." The man nodded and said, "Yeah. See ya." He slumped down in his bed. I closed the door and went back down stairs. Hopefully he'll be alright. He's strong. I saw him around when he was 15 and my mum took me here. His father ran it then. I was only 13. Ichigo was hot-headed, smart and can deal with most situations. Didn't see him after that because I had no need for my inhailer anymore.

*one month time skip*

I knocked on the familiar door of Kurosaki clinic. Hope he's doing better. Little Kazui opened the door. "I'm sorry miss. Dad isn't in ri- oh never mind. He's back," Kazui greeted. Wait is he behind me? I looked behind me and saw the orange hair man. I let out a scream. "What the hell? Calm down," Ichigo hissed. "Sorry. You made me jump," I apologised. He rolled his eyes. "Go in then. I need to put some stuff away," he grunted. I nodded, went into the house and took a seat at the table. "So, you feeling better?" I asked while he was putting his groceries away. "Yeah, I do. Thanks," Ichigo replied. That's better. "Well, here's your inhailer. See you in a month," he said rather bluntly. I nodded and left.

After leaving the house, it felt like something grabbed my leg... and it was pulling me. What the hell... I turned around and saw a monster. A dull grey body with a white mask of sorts. A white mask concealing two glowing yellow eyes. Something also distinguishing about it was the hole in it's chest. "Help! Somebody help me!" I screamed. Nobody came. I tried my best to escape it's grasp: frantically grasping at anything nearby to keep me on the ground. Lamp posts, sighs, trees and bushes. Anything at all. It lifted me up in the air - only a few meters above the white mask. Is it going to eat me? The monster let me go and unhinged it's jaw.

I opened my eyes. I was still alive! I'm alive! This is brilliant! I looked up and saw a familiar, orange haired man. "Keep your head forward. Your screams can make everybody within a mile ears bleed. Looking at the hollow made you scream," an annoyed voice ordered. Ichigo! What the hell is going on? You going to explain this later. Please? Hopefully. He put me down on a roof. "Wait here. Do as I say and I'll give you an explanation." Ichigo jumped of the room and landed on the air? He landed on the air. The man unsheathed a sword from his back, which was wrapped in cloth. It's a giant kitchen knife. He is fighting with a black kitchen knife that's the size of him. Ichigo is real tall, too. That means that sword is bigger than me.

He rushed towards the monster - "hollow" as he put it. The man made quick work of the monster and hastily returned to me after defeating it. I wasn't really paying attention to the fight as a whole. I was still trying to figure out what was even going on. Ichigo threw me over his shoulders and walked nonchalantly back to Kurosaki Clinic. As if this was normal thing that happened to him. "I don't even know how you could see that hollow. Normal humans can't see them," he noted. Normal humans can't see them? You're giving me more question than answers. Get on with it.

When we entered the house clinic thing, one in a chair and the one next to me. "Take a seat and don't scream," he commanded. I nodded and sat down. Ichigo walked over to his body and went inside of himself. It was an... interesting sight. He briefly stretched for a moment and said, "I do owe you an explanation." You think? "So there's a place called the soul society. Isn't really on earth or anywhere else. It's just a place. And people who work there are soul reapers. They look human, but they're far from it. They're shinigamis. Me? I'm a human. Some humans have high levels of  spiritual energy which means they can see the dead and hollows. Hollows are dead humans who've had their chain of fate - a chain that keeps people on earth till the soul reapers take them to the soul society - removed. This destroys who they are, making them creatures of blood lust."

That's... that's a lot. So that's what happens when we die. "I'm a substitue soul reaper. This only happened because of a series of  events involving someone named Rukia. That's all that's important," he finished. Wow. I was speechless. "That's... interesting?" I murmured, attempting to give a reply. "Pretty obvious, but don't tell anyone. See you in a month," Ichigo added. "Wait, I was going to say last time... but it was a bad time. We should so some stuff together. I remember when you were 15 - I thought you were so cool when I saw you fight with your dad. Anyway, see you around." I suggested. I put my number on the table and left.

Guess I have to say thanks (Ichigoxreader)Where stories live. Discover now